Support EXT4 cache partition images.

Recent Android kernels (3.10) do not support YAFFS2 anymore, as such
the cache partition must be formatted as EXT4 when they are used.

This patch adds the necessary code to do the following:

  - Auto-detect whether a YAFFS2 or EXT4 cache partition is needed
    based on the kernel version.

  - Add a hardware property to override the auto-detected result,
    in case of problem (kernel.supportsYaffs2)

  - Create either an empty YAFFS2 or EXT4 cache partition when the
    file doesn't exist yet in the AVD's content directory.

This uses the new android_createEmptyExt4Image() function that
was introduced in a previous patch.

Change-Id: Idd0e49501422993f655f77f14db651d5d2eb4ca2
5 files changed