blob: a8fe26c4136ffbd7070c7c8efc853369f0c7947e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* ia64-dis.c -- Disassemble ia64 instructions
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by David Mosberger-Tang <>
This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
2, or (at your option) any later version.
GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this file; see the file COPYING. If not, see
<>. */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "disas/bfd.h"
/* ia64.h -- Header file for ia64 opcode table
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2006
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by David Mosberger-Tang <> */
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef uint64_t ia64_insn;
enum ia64_insn_type
IA64_TYPE_NIL = 0, /* illegal type */
IA64_TYPE_A, /* integer alu (I- or M-unit) */
IA64_TYPE_I, /* non-alu integer (I-unit) */
IA64_TYPE_M, /* memory (M-unit) */
IA64_TYPE_B, /* branch (B-unit) */
IA64_TYPE_F, /* floating-point (F-unit) */
IA64_TYPE_X, /* long encoding (X-unit) */
IA64_TYPE_DYN, /* Dynamic opcode */
enum ia64_unit
IA64_UNIT_NIL = 0, /* illegal unit */
IA64_UNIT_I, /* integer unit */
IA64_UNIT_M, /* memory unit */
IA64_UNIT_B, /* branching unit */
IA64_UNIT_F, /* floating-point unit */
IA64_UNIT_L, /* long "unit" */
IA64_UNIT_X, /* may be integer or branch unit */
/* Changes to this enumeration must be propagated to the operand table in
enum ia64_opnd
IA64_OPND_NIL, /* no operand---MUST BE FIRST!*/
/* constants */
IA64_OPND_AR_CSD, /* application register csd (ar.csd) */
IA64_OPND_AR_CCV, /* application register ccv (ar.ccv) */
IA64_OPND_AR_PFS, /* application register pfs (ar.pfs) */
IA64_OPND_C1, /* the constant 1 */
IA64_OPND_C8, /* the constant 8 */
IA64_OPND_C16, /* the constant 16 */
IA64_OPND_GR0, /* gr0 */
IA64_OPND_IP, /* instruction pointer (ip) */
IA64_OPND_PR, /* predicate register (pr) */
IA64_OPND_PR_ROT, /* rotating predicate register (pr.rot) */
IA64_OPND_PSR, /* processor status register (psr) */
IA64_OPND_PSR_L, /* processor status register L (psr.l) */
IA64_OPND_PSR_UM, /* processor status register UM ( */
/* register operands: */
IA64_OPND_AR3, /* third application register # (bits 20-26) */
IA64_OPND_B1, /* branch register # (bits 6-8) */
IA64_OPND_B2, /* branch register # (bits 13-15) */
IA64_OPND_CR3, /* third control register # (bits 20-26) */
IA64_OPND_F1, /* first floating-point register # */
IA64_OPND_F2, /* second floating-point register # */
IA64_OPND_F3, /* third floating-point register # */
IA64_OPND_F4, /* fourth floating-point register # */
IA64_OPND_P1, /* first predicate # */
IA64_OPND_P2, /* second predicate # */
IA64_OPND_R1, /* first register # */
IA64_OPND_R2, /* second register # */
IA64_OPND_R3, /* third register # */
IA64_OPND_R3_2, /* third register # (limited to gr0-gr3) */
/* memory operands: */
IA64_OPND_MR3, /* memory at addr of third register # */
/* indirect operands: */
IA64_OPND_CPUID_R3, /* cpuid[reg] */
IA64_OPND_DBR_R3, /* dbr[reg] */
IA64_OPND_DTR_R3, /* dtr[reg] */
IA64_OPND_ITR_R3, /* itr[reg] */
IA64_OPND_IBR_R3, /* ibr[reg] */
IA64_OPND_MSR_R3, /* msr[reg] */
IA64_OPND_PKR_R3, /* pkr[reg] */
IA64_OPND_PMC_R3, /* pmc[reg] */
IA64_OPND_PMD_R3, /* pmd[reg] */
IA64_OPND_RR_R3, /* rr[reg] */
/* immediate operands: */
IA64_OPND_CCNT5, /* 5-bit count (31 - bits 20-24) */
IA64_OPND_CNT2a, /* 2-bit count (1 + bits 27-28) */
IA64_OPND_CNT2b, /* 2-bit count (bits 27-28): 1, 2, 3 */
IA64_OPND_CNT2c, /* 2-bit count (bits 30-31): 0, 7, 15, or 16 */
IA64_OPND_CNT5, /* 5-bit count (bits 14-18) */
IA64_OPND_CNT6, /* 6-bit count (bits 27-32) */
IA64_OPND_CPOS6a, /* 6-bit count (63 - bits 20-25) */
IA64_OPND_CPOS6b, /* 6-bit count (63 - bits 14-19) */
IA64_OPND_CPOS6c, /* 6-bit count (63 - bits 31-36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM1, /* signed 1-bit immediate (bit 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU2, /* unsigned 2-bit immediate (bits 13-14) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU5b, /* unsigned 5-bit immediate (32 + bits 14-18) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU7a, /* unsigned 7-bit immediate (bits 13-19) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU7b, /* unsigned 7-bit immediate (bits 20-26) */
IA64_OPND_SOF, /* 8-bit stack frame size */
IA64_OPND_SOL, /* 8-bit size of locals */
IA64_OPND_SOR, /* 6-bit number of rotating registers (scaled by 8) */
IA64_OPND_IMM8, /* signed 8-bit immediate (bits 13-19 & 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM8U4, /* cmp4*u signed 8-bit immediate (bits 13-19 & 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM8M1, /* signed 8-bit immediate -1 (bits 13-19 & 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM8M1U4, /* cmp4*u signed 8-bit immediate -1 (bits 13-19 & 36)*/
IA64_OPND_IMM8M1U8, /* cmp*u signed 8-bit immediate -1 (bits 13-19 & 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU9, /* unsigned 9-bit immediate (bits 33-34, 20-26) */
IA64_OPND_IMM9a, /* signed 9-bit immediate (bits 6-12, 27, 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM9b, /* signed 9-bit immediate (bits 13-19, 27, 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM14, /* signed 14-bit immediate (bits 13-19, 27-32, 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM17, /* signed 17-bit immediate (2*bits 6-12, 24-31, 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU21, /* unsigned 21-bit immediate (bits 6-25, 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM22, /* signed 22-bit immediate (bits 13-19, 22-36) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU24, /* unsigned 24-bit immediate (bits 6-26, 31-32, 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMM44, /* signed 44-bit immediate (2^16*bits 6-32, 36) */
IA64_OPND_IMMU62, /* unsigned 62-bit immediate */
IA64_OPND_IMMU64, /* unsigned 64-bit immediate (lotsa bits...) */
IA64_OPND_INC3, /* signed 3-bit (bits 13-15): +/-1, 4, 8, 16 */
IA64_OPND_LEN4, /* 4-bit count (bits 27-30 + 1) */
IA64_OPND_LEN6, /* 6-bit count (bits 27-32 + 1) */
IA64_OPND_MBTYPE4, /* 4-bit mux type (bits 20-23) */
IA64_OPND_MHTYPE8, /* 8-bit mux type (bits 20-27) */
IA64_OPND_POS6, /* 6-bit count (bits 14-19) */
IA64_OPND_TAG13, /* signed 13-bit tag (ip + 16*bits 6-12, 33-34) */
IA64_OPND_TAG13b, /* signed 13-bit tag (ip + 16*bits 24-32) */
IA64_OPND_TGT25, /* signed 25-bit (ip + 16*bits 6-25, 36) */
IA64_OPND_TGT25b, /* signed 25-bit (ip + 16*bits 6-12, 20-32, 36) */
IA64_OPND_TGT25c, /* signed 25-bit (ip + 16*bits 13-32, 36) */
IA64_OPND_TGT64, /* 64-bit (ip + 16*bits 13-32, 36, 2-40(L)) */
IA64_OPND_LDXMOV, /* any symbol, generates R_IA64_LDXMOV. */
IA64_OPND_COUNT /* # of operand types (MUST BE LAST!) */
enum ia64_dependency_mode
enum ia64_dependency_semantics
enum ia64_resource_specifier
IA64_RS_AR, /* 8-15, 20, 22-23, 31, 33-35, 37-39, 41-43, 45-47, 67-111 */
IA64_RS_ARb, /* 48-63, 112-127 */
IA64_RS_CR, /* 3-7,10-15,18,26-63,75-79,82-127 */
IA64_RS_PR, /* non-rotating, 1-15 */
IA64_RS_PRr, /* rotating, 16-62 */
IA64_RS_ARX, /* ARs not in RS_AR or RS_ARb */
IA64_RS_CRX, /* CRs not in RS_CR */
IA64_RS_PSR, /* PSR bits */
IA64_RS_RSE, /* implementation-specific RSE resources */
enum ia64_rse_resource
/* Information about a given resource dependency */
struct ia64_dependency
/* Name of the resource */
const char *name;
/* Does this dependency need further specification? */
enum ia64_resource_specifier specifier;
/* Mode of dependency */
enum ia64_dependency_mode mode;
/* Dependency semantics */
enum ia64_dependency_semantics semantics;
/* Register index, if applicable (distinguishes AR, CR, and PSR deps) */
#define REG_NONE (-1)
int regindex;
/* Special info on semantics */
const char *info;
/* Two arrays of indexes into the ia64_dependency table.
chks are dependencies to check for conflicts when an opcode is
encountered; regs are dependencies to register (mark as used) when an
opcode is used. chks correspond to readers (RAW) or writers (WAW or
WAR) of a resource, while regs correspond to writers (RAW or WAW) and
readers (WAR) of a resource. */
struct ia64_opcode_dependency
int nchks;
const unsigned short *chks;
int nregs;
const unsigned short *regs;
/* encode/extract the note/index for a dependency */
#define RDEP(N,X) (((N)<<11)|(X))
#define NOTE(X) (((X)>>11)&0x1F)
#define DEP(X) ((X)&0x7FF)
/* A template descriptor describes the execution units that are active
for each of the three slots. It also specifies the location of
instruction group boundaries that may be present between two slots. */
struct ia64_templ_desc
int group_boundary; /* 0=no boundary, 1=between slot 0 & 1, etc. */
enum ia64_unit exec_unit[3];
const char *name;
/* The opcode table is an array of struct ia64_opcode. */
struct ia64_opcode
/* The opcode name. */
const char *name;
/* The type of the instruction: */
enum ia64_insn_type type;
/* Number of output operands: */
int num_outputs;
/* The opcode itself. Those bits which will be filled in with
operands are zeroes. */
ia64_insn opcode;
/* The opcode mask. This is used by the disassembler. This is a
mask containing ones indicating those bits which must match the
opcode field, and zeroes indicating those bits which need not
match (and are presumably filled in by operands). */
ia64_insn mask;
/* An array of operand codes. Each code is an index into the
operand table. They appear in the order which the operands must
appear in assembly code, and are terminated by a zero. */
enum ia64_opnd operands[5];
/* One bit flags for the opcode. These are primarily used to
indicate specific processors and environments support the
instructions. The defined values are listed below. */
unsigned int flags;
/* Used by ia64_find_next_opcode (). */
short ent_index;
/* Opcode dependencies. */
const struct ia64_opcode_dependency *dependencies;
/* Values defined for the flags field of a struct ia64_opcode. */
#define IA64_OPCODE_FIRST (1<<0) /* must be first in an insn group */
#define IA64_OPCODE_X_IN_MLX (1<<1) /* insn is allowed in X slot of MLX */
#define IA64_OPCODE_LAST (1<<2) /* must be last in an insn group */
#define IA64_OPCODE_PRIV (1<<3) /* privileged instruct */
#define IA64_OPCODE_SLOT2 (1<<4) /* insn allowed in slot 2 only */
#define IA64_OPCODE_NO_PRED (1<<5) /* insn cannot be predicated */
#define IA64_OPCODE_PSEUDO (1<<6) /* insn is a pseudo-op */
#define IA64_OPCODE_F2_EQ_F3 (1<<7) /* constraint: F2 == F3 */
#define IA64_OPCODE_LEN_EQ_64MCNT (1<<8) /* constraint: LEN == 64-CNT */
#define IA64_OPCODE_MOD_RRBS (1<<9) /* modifies all rrbs in CFM */
#define IA64_OPCODE_POSTINC (1<<10) /* postincrement MR3 operand */
/* A macro to extract the major opcode from an instruction. */
#define IA64_OP(i) (((i) >> 37) & 0xf)
enum ia64_operand_class
IA64_OPND_CLASS_CST, /* constant */
IA64_OPND_CLASS_REG, /* register */
IA64_OPND_CLASS_IND, /* indirect register */
IA64_OPND_CLASS_ABS, /* absolute value */
IA64_OPND_CLASS_REL, /* IP-relative value */
/* The operands table is an array of struct ia64_operand. */
struct ia64_operand
enum ia64_operand_class class;
/* Set VALUE as the operand bits for the operand of type SELF in the
instruction pointed to by CODE. If an error occurs, *CODE is not
modified and the returned string describes the cause of the
error. If no error occurs, NULL is returned. */
const char *(*insert) (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value,
ia64_insn *code);
/* Extract the operand bits for an operand of type SELF from
instruction CODE store them in *VALUE. If an error occurs, the
cause of the error is described by the string returned. If no
error occurs, NULL is returned. */
const char *(*extract) (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code,
ia64_insn *value);
/* A string whose meaning depends on the operand class. */
const char *str;
struct bit_field
/* The number of bits in the operand. */
int bits;
/* How far the operand is left shifted in the instruction. */
int shift;
field[4]; /* no operand has more than this many bit-fields */
unsigned int flags;
const char *desc; /* brief description */
/* Values defined for the flags field of a struct ia64_operand. */
/* Disassemble as signed decimal (instead of hex): */
/* Disassemble as unsigned decimal (instead of hex): */
#define NELEMS(a) ((int) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0])))
static const char*
ins_rsvd (const struct ia64_operand *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
ia64_insn value ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ia64_insn *code ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
return "internal error---this shouldn't happen";
static const char*
ext_rsvd (const struct ia64_operand *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
ia64_insn code ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ia64_insn *valuep ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
return "internal error---this shouldn't happen";
static const char*
ins_const (const struct ia64_operand *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
ia64_insn value ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ia64_insn *code ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
return 0;
static const char*
ext_const (const struct ia64_operand *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
ia64_insn code ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, ia64_insn *valuep ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
return 0;
static const char*
ins_reg (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
if (value >= 1u << self->field[0].bits)
return "register number out of range";
*code |= value << self->field[0].shift;
return 0;
static const char*
ext_reg (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
*valuep = ((code >> self->field[0].shift)
& ((1u << self->field[0].bits) - 1));
return 0;
static const char*
ins_immu (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
ia64_insn new = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS (self->field) && self->field[i].bits; ++i)
new |= ((value & ((((ia64_insn) 1) << self->field[i].bits) - 1))
<< self->field[i].shift);
value >>= self->field[i].bits;
if (value)
return "integer operand out of range";
*code |= new;
return 0;
static const char*
ext_immu (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
uint64_t value = 0;
int i, bits = 0, total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS (self->field) && self->field[i].bits; ++i)
bits = self->field[i].bits;
value |= ((code >> self->field[i].shift)
& ((((uint64_t) 1) << bits) - 1)) << total;
total += bits;
*valuep = value;
return 0;
static const char*
ins_immu5b (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value,
ia64_insn *code)
if (value < 32 || value > 63)
return "value must be between 32 and 63";
return ins_immu (self, value - 32, code);
static const char*
ext_immu5b (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code,
ia64_insn *valuep)
const char *result;
result = ext_immu (self, code, valuep);
if (result)
return result;
*valuep = *valuep + 32;
return 0;
static const char*
ins_immus8 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
if (value & 0x7)
return "value not an integer multiple of 8";
return ins_immu (self, value >> 3, code);
static const char*
ext_immus8 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
const char *result;
result = ext_immu (self, code, valuep);
if (result)
return result;
*valuep = *valuep << 3;
return 0;
static const char*
ins_imms_scaled (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value,
ia64_insn *code, int scale)
int64_t svalue = value, sign_bit = 0;
ia64_insn new = 0;
int i;
svalue >>= scale;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS (self->field) && self->field[i].bits; ++i)
new |= ((svalue & ((((ia64_insn) 1) << self->field[i].bits) - 1))
<< self->field[i].shift);
sign_bit = (svalue >> (self->field[i].bits - 1)) & 1;
svalue >>= self->field[i].bits;
if ((!sign_bit && svalue != 0) || (sign_bit && svalue != -1))
return "integer operand out of range";
*code |= new;
return 0;
static const char*
ext_imms_scaled (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code,
ia64_insn *valuep, int scale)
int i, bits = 0, total = 0;
int64_t val = 0, sign;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS (self->field) && self->field[i].bits; ++i)
bits = self->field[i].bits;
val |= ((code >> self->field[i].shift)
& ((((uint64_t) 1) << bits) - 1)) << total;
total += bits;
/* sign extend: */
sign = (int64_t) 1 << (total - 1);
val = (val ^ sign) - sign;
*valuep = (val << scale);
return 0;
static const char*
ins_imms (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
return ins_imms_scaled (self, value, code, 0);
static const char*
ins_immsu4 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
value = ((value & 0xffffffff) ^ 0x80000000) - 0x80000000;
return ins_imms_scaled (self, value, code, 0);
static const char*
ext_imms (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
return ext_imms_scaled (self, code, valuep, 0);
static const char*
ins_immsm1 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
return ins_imms_scaled (self, value, code, 0);
static const char*
ins_immsm1u4 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value,
ia64_insn *code)
value = ((value & 0xffffffff) ^ 0x80000000) - 0x80000000;
return ins_imms_scaled (self, value, code, 0);
static const char*
ext_immsm1 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
const char *res = ext_imms_scaled (self, code, valuep, 0);
return res;
static const char*
ins_imms1 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
return ins_imms_scaled (self, value, code, 1);
static const char*
ext_imms1 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
return ext_imms_scaled (self, code, valuep, 1);
static const char*
ins_imms4 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
return ins_imms_scaled (self, value, code, 4);
static const char*
ext_imms4 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
return ext_imms_scaled (self, code, valuep, 4);
static const char*
ins_imms16 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
return ins_imms_scaled (self, value, code, 16);
static const char*
ext_imms16 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
return ext_imms_scaled (self, code, valuep, 16);
static const char*
ins_cimmu (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
ia64_insn mask = (((ia64_insn) 1) << self->field[0].bits) - 1;
return ins_immu (self, value ^ mask, code);
static const char*
ext_cimmu (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
const char *result;
ia64_insn mask;
mask = (((ia64_insn) 1) << self->field[0].bits) - 1;
result = ext_immu (self, code, valuep);
if (!result)
mask = (((ia64_insn) 1) << self->field[0].bits) - 1;
*valuep ^= mask;
return result;
static const char*
ins_cnt (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
if (value >= ((uint64_t) 1) << self->field[0].bits)
return "count out of range";
*code |= value << self->field[0].shift;
return 0;
static const char*
ext_cnt (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
*valuep = ((code >> self->field[0].shift)
& ((((uint64_t) 1) << self->field[0].bits) - 1)) + 1;
return 0;
static const char*
ins_cnt2b (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
if (value > 2)
return "count must be in range 1..3";
*code |= value << self->field[0].shift;
return 0;
static const char*
ext_cnt2b (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
*valuep = ((code >> self->field[0].shift) & 0x3) + 1;
return 0;
static const char*
ins_cnt2c (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
switch (value)
case 0: value = 0; break;
case 7: value = 1; break;
case 15: value = 2; break;
case 16: value = 3; break;
default: return "count must be 0, 7, 15, or 16";
*code |= value << self->field[0].shift;
return 0;
static const char*
ext_cnt2c (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
ia64_insn value;
value = (code >> self->field[0].shift) & 0x3;
switch (value)
case 0: value = 0; break;
case 1: value = 7; break;
case 2: value = 15; break;
case 3: value = 16; break;
*valuep = value;
return 0;
static const char*
ins_inc3 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn value, ia64_insn *code)
int64_t val = value;
uint64_t sign = 0;
if (val < 0)
sign = 0x4;
value = -value;
switch (value)
case 1: value = 3; break;
case 4: value = 2; break;
case 8: value = 1; break;
case 16: value = 0; break;
default: return "count must be +/- 1, 4, 8, or 16";
*code |= (sign | value) << self->field[0].shift;
return 0;
static const char*
ext_inc3 (const struct ia64_operand *self, ia64_insn code, ia64_insn *valuep)
int64_t val;
int negate;
val = (code >> self->field[0].shift) & 0x7;
negate = val & 0x4;
switch (val & 0x3)
case 0: val = 16; break;
case 1: val = 8; break;
case 2: val = 4; break;
case 3: val = 1; break;
if (negate)
val = -val;
*valuep = val;
return 0;
/* glib.h defines ABS so we must undefine it to avoid a clash */
#undef ABS
const struct ia64_operand elf64_ia64_operands[IA64_OPND_COUNT] =
/* constants: */
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "NIL", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "<none>" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "ar.csd", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "ar.csd" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "ar.ccv", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "ar.ccv" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "ar.pfs", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "ar.pfs" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "1", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "1" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "8", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "8" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "16", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "16" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "r0", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "r0" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "ip", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "ip" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "pr", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "pr" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "pr.rot", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "pr.rot" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "psr", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "psr" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "psr.l", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "psr.l" },
{ CST, ins_const, ext_const, "", {{ 0, 0}}, 0, "" },
/* register operands: */
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "ar", {{ 7, 20}}, 0, /* AR3 */
"an application register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "b", {{ 3, 6}}, 0, /* B1 */
"a branch register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "b", {{ 3, 13}}, 0, /* B2 */
"a branch register"},
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "cr", {{ 7, 20}}, 0, /* CR */
"a control register"},
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "f", {{ 7, 6}}, 0, /* F1 */
"a floating-point register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "f", {{ 7, 13}}, 0, /* F2 */
"a floating-point register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "f", {{ 7, 20}}, 0, /* F3 */
"a floating-point register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "f", {{ 7, 27}}, 0, /* F4 */
"a floating-point register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "p", {{ 6, 6}}, 0, /* P1 */
"a predicate register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "p", {{ 6, 27}}, 0, /* P2 */
"a predicate register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "r", {{ 7, 6}}, 0, /* R1 */
"a general register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "r", {{ 7, 13}}, 0, /* R2 */
"a general register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "r", {{ 7, 20}}, 0, /* R3 */
"a general register" },
{ REG, ins_reg, ext_reg, "r", {{ 2, 20}}, 0, /* R3_2 */
"a general register r0-r3" },
/* memory operands: */
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* MR3 */
"a memory address" },
/* indirect operands: */
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "cpuid", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* CPUID_R3 */
"a cpuid register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "dbr", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* DBR_R3 */
"a dbr register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "dtr", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* DTR_R3 */
"a dtr register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "itr", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* ITR_R3 */
"an itr register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "ibr", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* IBR_R3 */
"an ibr register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "msr", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* MSR_R3 */
"an msr register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "pkr", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* PKR_R3 */
"a pkr register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "pmc", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* PMC_R3 */
"a pmc register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "pmd", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* PMD_R3 */
"a pmd register" },
{ IND, ins_reg, ext_reg, "rr", {{7, 20}}, 0, /* RR_R3 */
"an rr register" },
/* immediate operands: */
{ ABS, ins_cimmu, ext_cimmu, 0, {{ 5, 20 }}, UDEC, /* CCNT5 */
"a 5-bit count (0-31)" },
{ ABS, ins_cnt, ext_cnt, 0, {{ 2, 27 }}, UDEC, /* CNT2a */
"a 2-bit count (1-4)" },
{ ABS, ins_cnt2b, ext_cnt2b, 0, {{ 2, 27 }}, UDEC, /* CNT2b */
"a 2-bit count (1-3)" },
{ ABS, ins_cnt2c, ext_cnt2c, 0, {{ 2, 30 }}, UDEC, /* CNT2c */
"a count (0, 7, 15, or 16)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 5, 14}}, UDEC, /* CNT5 */
"a 5-bit count (0-31)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 6, 27}}, UDEC, /* CNT6 */
"a 6-bit count (0-63)" },
{ ABS, ins_cimmu, ext_cimmu, 0, {{ 6, 20}}, UDEC, /* CPOS6a */
"a 6-bit bit pos (0-63)" },
{ ABS, ins_cimmu, ext_cimmu, 0, {{ 6, 14}}, UDEC, /* CPOS6b */
"a 6-bit bit pos (0-63)" },
{ ABS, ins_cimmu, ext_cimmu, 0, {{ 6, 31}}, UDEC, /* CPOS6c */
"a 6-bit bit pos (0-63)" },
{ ABS, ins_imms, ext_imms, 0, {{ 1, 36}}, SDEC, /* IMM1 */
"a 1-bit integer (-1, 0)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 2, 13}}, UDEC, /* IMMU2 */
"a 2-bit unsigned (0-3)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu5b, ext_immu5b, 0, {{ 5, 14}}, UDEC, /* IMMU5b */
"a 5-bit unsigned (32 + (0-31))" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 7, 13}}, 0, /* IMMU7a */
"a 7-bit unsigned (0-127)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 7, 20}}, 0, /* IMMU7b */
"a 7-bit unsigned (0-127)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 7, 13}}, UDEC, /* SOF */
"a frame size (register count)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 7, 20}}, UDEC, /* SOL */
"a local register count" },
{ ABS, ins_immus8,ext_immus8,0, {{ 4, 27}}, UDEC, /* SOR */
"a rotating register count (integer multiple of 8)" },
{ ABS, ins_imms, ext_imms, 0, /* IMM8 */
{{ 7, 13}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"an 8-bit integer (-128-127)" },
{ ABS, ins_immsu4, ext_imms, 0, /* IMM8U4 */
{{ 7, 13}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"an 8-bit signed integer for 32-bit unsigned compare (-128-127)" },
{ ABS, ins_immsm1, ext_immsm1, 0, /* IMM8M1 */
{{ 7, 13}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"an 8-bit integer (-127-128)" },
{ ABS, ins_immsm1u4, ext_immsm1, 0, /* IMM8M1U4 */
{{ 7, 13}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"an 8-bit integer for 32-bit unsigned compare (-127-(-1),1-128,0x100000000)" },
{ ABS, ins_immsm1, ext_immsm1, 0, /* IMM8M1U8 */
{{ 7, 13}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"an 8-bit integer for 64-bit unsigned compare (-127-(-1),1-128,0x10000000000000000)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 2, 33}, { 7, 20}}, 0, /* IMMU9 */
"a 9-bit unsigned (0-511)" },
{ ABS, ins_imms, ext_imms, 0, /* IMM9a */
{{ 7, 6}, { 1, 27}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"a 9-bit integer (-256-255)" },
{ ABS, ins_imms, ext_imms, 0, /* IMM9b */
{{ 7, 13}, { 1, 27}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"a 9-bit integer (-256-255)" },
{ ABS, ins_imms, ext_imms, 0, /* IMM14 */
{{ 7, 13}, { 6, 27}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"a 14-bit integer (-8192-8191)" },
{ ABS, ins_imms1, ext_imms1, 0, /* IMM17 */
{{ 7, 6}, { 8, 24}, { 1, 36}}, 0,
"a 17-bit integer (-65536-65535)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{20, 6}, { 1, 36}}, 0, /* IMMU21 */
"a 21-bit unsigned" },
{ ABS, ins_imms, ext_imms, 0, /* IMM22 */
{{ 7, 13}, { 9, 27}, { 5, 22}, { 1, 36}}, SDEC,
"a 22-bit signed integer" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, /* IMMU24 */
{{21, 6}, { 2, 31}, { 1, 36}}, 0,
"a 24-bit unsigned" },
{ ABS, ins_imms16,ext_imms16,0, {{27, 6}, { 1, 36}}, 0, /* IMM44 */
"a 44-bit unsigned (least 16 bits ignored/zeroes)" },
{ ABS, ins_rsvd, ext_rsvd, 0, {{0, 0}}, 0, /* IMMU62 */
"a 62-bit unsigned" },
{ ABS, ins_rsvd, ext_rsvd, 0, {{0, 0}}, 0, /* IMMU64 */
"a 64-bit unsigned" },
{ ABS, ins_inc3, ext_inc3, 0, {{ 3, 13}}, SDEC, /* INC3 */
"an increment (+/- 1, 4, 8, or 16)" },
{ ABS, ins_cnt, ext_cnt, 0, {{ 4, 27}}, UDEC, /* LEN4 */
"a 4-bit length (1-16)" },
{ ABS, ins_cnt, ext_cnt, 0, {{ 6, 27}}, UDEC, /* LEN6 */
"a 6-bit length (1-64)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 4, 20}}, 0, /* MBTYPE4 */
"a mix type (@rev, @mix, @shuf, @alt, or @brcst)" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 8, 20}}, 0, /* MBTYPE8 */
"an 8-bit mix type" },
{ ABS, ins_immu, ext_immu, 0, {{ 6, 14}}, UDEC, /* POS6 */
"a 6-bit bit pos (0-63)" },
{ REL, ins_imms4, ext_imms4, 0, {{ 7, 6}, { 2, 33}}, 0, /* TAG13 */
"a branch tag" },
{ REL, ins_imms4, ext_imms4, 0, {{ 9, 24}}, 0, /* TAG13b */
"a branch tag" },
{ REL, ins_imms4, ext_imms4, 0, {{20, 6}, { 1, 36}}, 0, /* TGT25 */
"a branch target" },
{ REL, ins_imms4, ext_imms4, 0, /* TGT25b */
{{ 7, 6}, {13, 20}, { 1, 36}}, 0,
"a branch target" },
{ REL, ins_imms4, ext_imms4, 0, {{20, 13}, { 1, 36}}, 0, /* TGT25c */
"a branch target" },
{ REL, ins_rsvd, ext_rsvd, 0, {{0, 0}}, 0, /* TGT64 */
"a branch target" },
{ ABS, ins_const, ext_const, 0, {{0, 0}}, 0, /* LDXMOV */
"ldxmov target" },
/* ia64-asmtab.h -- Header for compacted IA-64 opcode tables.
Copyright 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Bob Manson of Cygnus Support <>
This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
2, or (at your option) any later version.
GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this file; see the file COPYING. If not, see
<>. */
/* The primary opcode table is made up of the following: */
struct ia64_main_table
/* The entry in the string table that corresponds to the name of this
opcode. */
unsigned short name_index;
/* The type of opcode; corresponds to the TYPE field in
struct ia64_opcode. */
unsigned char opcode_type;
/* The number of outputs for this opcode. */
unsigned char num_outputs;
/* The base insn value for this opcode. It may be modified by completers. */
ia64_insn opcode;
/* The mask of valid bits in OPCODE. Zeros indicate operand fields. */
ia64_insn mask;
/* The operands of this instruction. Corresponds to the OPERANDS field
in struct ia64_opcode. */
unsigned char operands[5];
/* The flags for this instruction. Corresponds to the FLAGS field in
struct ia64_opcode. */
short flags;
/* The tree of completers for this instruction; this is an offset into
completer_table. */
short completers;
/* Each instruction has a set of possible "completers", or additional
suffixes that can alter the instruction's behavior, and which has
potentially different dependencies.
The completer entries modify certain bits in the instruction opcode.
Which bits are to be modified are marked by the BITS, MASK and
OFFSET fields. The completer entry may also note dependencies for the
These completers are arranged in a DAG; the pointers are indexes
into the completer_table array. The completer DAG is searched by
find_completer () and ia64_find_matching_opcode ().
Note that each completer needs to be applied in turn, so that if we
have the instruction
the completer entries for both "lt" and "unc" would need to be applied
to the opcode's value.
Some instructions do not require any completers; these contain an
empty completer entry. Instructions that require a completer do
not contain an empty entry.
Terminal completers (those completers that validly complete an
instruction) are marked by having the TERMINAL_COMPLETER flag set.
Only dependencies listed in the terminal completer for an opcode are
considered to apply to that opcode instance. */
struct ia64_completer_table
/* The bit value that this completer sets. */
unsigned int bits;
/* And its mask. 1s are bits that are to be modified in the
instruction. */
unsigned int mask;
/* The entry in the string table that corresponds to the name of this
completer. */
unsigned short name_index;
/* An alternative completer, or -1 if this is the end of the chain. */
short alternative;
/* A pointer to the DAG of completers that can potentially follow
this one, or -1. */
short subentries;
/* The bit offset in the instruction where BITS and MASK should be
applied. */
unsigned char offset : 7;
unsigned char terminal_completer : 1;
/* Index into the dependency list table */
short dependencies;
/* This contains sufficient information for the disassembler to resolve
the complete name of the original instruction. */
struct ia64_dis_names
/* COMPLETER_INDEX represents the tree of completers that make up
the instruction. The LSB represents the top of the tree for the
specified instruction.
A 0 bit indicates to go to the next alternate completer via the
alternative field; a 1 bit indicates that the current completer
is part of the instruction, and to go down the subentries index.
We know we've reached the final completer when we run out of 1
There is always at least one 1 bit. */
unsigned int completer_index : 20;
/* The index in the main_table[] array for the instruction. */
unsigned short insn_index : 11;
/* If set, the next entry in this table is an alternate possibility
for this instruction encoding. Which one to use is determined by
the instruction type and other factors (see opcode_verify ()). */
unsigned int next_flag : 1;
/* The disassembly priority of this entry among instructions. */
unsigned short priority;
static const char * const ia64_strings[] = {
"", "0", "1", "a", "acq", "add", "addl", "addp4", "adds", "alloc", "and",
"andcm", "b", "bias", "br", "break", "brl", "brp", "bsw", "c", "call",
"cexit", "chk", "cloop", "clr", "clrrrb", "cmp", "cmp4", "cmp8xchg16",
"cmpxchg1", "cmpxchg2", "cmpxchg4", "cmpxchg8", "cond", "cover", "ctop",
"czx1", "czx2", "d", "dep", "dpnt", "dptk", "e", "epc", "eq", "excl",
"exit", "exp", "extr", "f", "fabs", "fadd", "famax", "famin", "fand",
"fandcm", "fault", "fc", "fchkf", "fclass", "fclrf", "fcmp", "fcvt",
"fetchadd4", "fetchadd8", "few", "fill", "flushrs", "fma", "fmax",
"fmerge", "fmin", "fmix", "fmpy", "fms", "fneg", "fnegabs", "fnma",
"fnmpy", "fnorm", "for", "fpabs", "fpack", "fpamax", "fpamin", "fpcmp",
"fpcvt", "fpma", "fpmax", "fpmerge", "fpmin", "fpmpy", "fpms", "fpneg",
"fpnegabs", "fpnma", "fpnmpy", "fprcpa", "fprsqrta", "frcpa", "frsqrta",
"fselect", "fsetc", "fsub", "fswap", "fsxt", "fwb", "fx", "fxor", "fxu",
"g", "ga", "ge", "getf", "geu", "gt", "gtu", "h", "hint", "hu", "i", "ia",
"imp", "invala", "itc", "itr", "l", "ld1", "ld16", "ld2", "ld4", "ld8",
"ldf", "ldf8", "ldfd", "ldfe", "ldfp8", "ldfpd", "ldfps", "ldfs", "le",
"leu", "lfetch", "loadrs", "loop", "lr", "lt", "ltu", "lu", "m", "many",
"mf", "mix1", "mix2", "mix4", "mov", "movl", "mux1", "mux2", "nc", "ne",
"neq", "nge", "ngt", "nl", "nle", "nlt", "nm", "nop", "nr", "ns", "nt1",
"nt2", "nta", "nz", "or", "orcm", "ord", "pack2", "pack4", "padd1",
"padd2", "padd4", "pavg1", "pavg2", "pavgsub1", "pavgsub2", "pcmp1",
"pcmp2", "pcmp4", "pmax1", "pmax2", "pmin1", "pmin2", "pmpy2", "pmpyshr2",
"popcnt", "pr", "probe", "psad1", "pshl2", "pshl4", "pshladd2", "pshr2",
"pshr4", "pshradd2", "psub1", "psub2", "psub4", "ptc", "ptr", "r", "raz",
"rel", "ret", "rfi", "rsm", "rum", "rw", "s", "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3",
"sa", "se", "setf", "shl", "shladd", "shladdp4", "shr", "shrp", "sig",
"spill", "spnt", "sptk", "srlz", "ssm", "sss", "st1", "st16", "st2",
"st4", "st8", "stf", "stf8", "stfd", "stfe", "stfs", "sub", "sum", "sxt1",
"sxt2", "sxt4", "sync", "tak", "tbit", "tf", "thash", "tnat", "tpa",
"trunc", "ttag", "u", "unc", "unord", "unpack1", "unpack2", "unpack4",
"uss", "uus", "uuu", "vmsw", "w", "wexit", "wtop", "x", "xchg1", "xchg2",
"xchg4", "xchg8", "xf", "xma", "xmpy", "xor", "xuf", "z", "zxt1", "zxt2",
static const struct ia64_dependency
dependencies[] = {
{ "ALAT", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[BSP]", 26, 0, 2, 17, NULL, },
{ "AR[BSPSTORE]", 26, 0, 2, 18, NULL, },
{ "AR[CCV]", 26, 0, 2, 32, NULL, },
{ "AR[CFLG]", 26, 0, 2, 27, NULL, },
{ "AR[CSD]", 26, 0, 2, 25, NULL, },
{ "AR[EC]", 26, 0, 2, 66, NULL, },
{ "AR[EFLAG]", 26, 0, 2, 24, NULL, },
{ "AR[FCR]", 26, 0, 2, 21, NULL, },
{ "AR[FDR]", 26, 0, 2, 30, NULL, },
{ "AR[FIR]", 26, 0, 2, 29, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf0.controls", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf1.controls", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf2.controls", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf3.controls", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf0.flags", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf1.flags", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf2.flags", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf3.flags", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].traps", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].rv", 30, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FSR]", 26, 0, 2, 28, NULL, },
{ "AR[ITC]", 26, 0, 2, 44, NULL, },
{ "AR[K%], % in 0 - 7", 1, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[LC]", 26, 0, 2, 65, NULL, },
{ "AR[PFS]", 26, 0, 2, 64, NULL, },
{ "AR[PFS]", 26, 0, 2, 64, NULL, },
{ "AR[PFS]", 26, 0, 0, 64, NULL, },
{ "AR[RNAT]", 26, 0, 2, 19, NULL, },
{ "AR[RSC]", 26, 0, 2, 16, NULL, },
{ "AR[SSD]", 26, 0, 2, 26, NULL, },
{ "AR[UNAT]{%}, % in 0 - 63", 2, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR%, % in 8-15, 20, 22-23, 31, 33-35, 37-39, 41-43, 45-47, 67-111", 3, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR%, % in 48-63, 112-127", 4, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "BR%, % in 0 - 7", 5, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "BR%, % in 0 - 7", 5, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "BR%, % in 0 - 7", 5, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CFM", 6, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CFM", 6, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CFM", 6, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CFM", 6, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CFM", 6, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "CPUID#", 7, 0, 5, -1, NULL, },
{ "CR[CMCV]", 27, 0, 3, 74, NULL, },
{ "CR[DCR]", 27, 0, 3, 0, NULL, },
{ "CR[EOI]", 27, 0, 7, 67, "SC Section, \"End of External Interrupt Register (EOI Ð CR67)\" on page 2:119", },
{ "CR[GPTA]", 27, 0, 3, 9, NULL, },
{ "CR[IFA]", 27, 0, 1, 20, NULL, },
{ "CR[IFA]", 27, 0, 3, 20, NULL, },
{ "CR[IFS]", 27, 0, 3, 23, NULL, },
{ "CR[IFS]", 27, 0, 1, 23, NULL, },
{ "CR[IFS]", 27, 0, 1, 23, NULL, },
{ "CR[IHA]", 27, 0, 3, 25, NULL, },
{ "CR[IIM]", 27, 0, 3, 24, NULL, },
{ "CR[IIP]", 27, 0, 3, 19, NULL, },
{ "CR[IIP]", 27, 0, 1, 19, NULL, },
{ "CR[IIPA]", 27, 0, 3, 22, NULL, },
{ "CR[IPSR]", 27, 0, 3, 16, NULL, },
{ "CR[IPSR]", 27, 0, 1, 16, NULL, },
{ "CR[IRR%], % in 0 - 3", 8, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "CR[ISR]", 27, 0, 3, 17, NULL, },
{ "CR[ITIR]", 27, 0, 3, 21, NULL, },
{ "CR[ITIR]", 27, 0, 1, 21, NULL, },
{ "CR[ITM]", 27, 0, 3, 1, NULL, },
{ "CR[ITV]", 27, 0, 3, 72, NULL, },
{ "CR[IVA]", 27, 0, 4, 2, NULL, },
{ "CR[IVR]", 27, 0, 7, 65, "SC Section, \"External Interrupt Vector Register (IVR Ð CR65)\" on page 2:118", },
{ "CR[LID]", 27, 0, 7, 64, "SC Section, \"Local ID (LID Ð CR64)\" on page 2:117", },
{ "CR[LRR%], % in 0 - 1", 9, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "CR[PMV]", 27, 0, 3, 73, NULL, },
{ "CR[PTA]", 27, 0, 3, 8, NULL, },
{ "CR[TPR]", 27, 0, 3, 66, NULL, },
{ "CR[TPR]", 27, 0, 7, 66, "SC Section, \"Task Priority Register (TPR Ð CR66)\" on page 2:119", },
{ "CR[TPR]", 27, 0, 1, 66, NULL, },
{ "CR%, % in 3-7, 10-15, 18, 26-63, 75-79, 82-127", 10, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "DBR#", 11, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DBR#", 11, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC", 0, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC_LIMIT*", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "FR%, % in 0 - 1", 12, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "FR%, % in 2 - 127", 13, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "FR%, % in 2 - 127", 13, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "GR0", 14, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "GR%, % in 1 - 127", 15, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "GR%, % in 1 - 127", 15, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "IBR#", 16, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "InService*", 17, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "InService*", 17, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "InService*", 17, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "IP", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 0, 4, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 0, 4, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC_LIMIT*", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 0, 4, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 0, 4, -1, NULL, },
{ "memory", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "MSR#", 18, 0, 5, -1, NULL, },
{ "PKR#", 19, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "PKR#", 19, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PKR#", 19, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PKR#", 19, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PMC#", 20, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PMC#", 20, 0, 7, -1, "SC Section 7.2.1, \"Generic Performance Counter Registers\" for PMC[0].fr on page 2:150", },
{ "PMD#", 21, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR0", 0, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 1 - 15", 22, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 1 - 15", 22, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 1 - 15", 22, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 16 - 62", 23, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 16 - 62", 23, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 16 - 62", 23, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 0, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 1, 3, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 3, 3, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 3, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 3, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 1, 1, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 3, 1, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 1, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 1, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 44, NULL, },
{ "PSR.cpl", 28, 0, 1, 32, NULL, },
{ "PSR.cpl", 28, 0, 2, 32, NULL, },
{ "PSR.da", 28, 0, 2, 38, NULL, },
{ "PSR.db", 28, 0, 3, 24, NULL, },
{ "PSR.db", 28, 0, 2, 24, NULL, },
{ "PSR.db", 28, 0, 2, 24, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dd", 28, 0, 2, 39, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfh", 28, 0, 3, 19, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfh", 28, 0, 2, 19, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfh", 28, 0, 2, 19, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfl", 28, 0, 3, 18, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfl", 28, 0, 2, 18, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfl", 28, 0, 2, 18, NULL, },
{ "PSR.di", 28, 0, 3, 22, NULL, },
{ "PSR.di", 28, 0, 2, 22, NULL, },
{ "PSR.di", 28, 0, 2, 22, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dt", 28, 0, 3, 17, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dt", 28, 0, 2, 17, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dt", 28, 0, 2, 17, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ed", 28, 0, 2, 43, NULL, },
{ "PSR.i", 28, 0, 2, 14, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ia", 28, 0, 0, 14, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ic", 28, 0, 2, 13, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ic", 28, 0, 3, 13, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ic", 28, 0, 2, 13, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 0, 14, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 0, 14, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 14, NULL, },
{ "PSR.lp", 28, 0, 2, 25, NULL, },
{ "PSR.lp", 28, 0, 3, 25, NULL, },
{ "PSR.lp", 28, 0, 2, 25, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 35, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfh", 28, 0, 2, 5, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfl", 28, 0, 2, 4, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 3, 15, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 15, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 15, NULL, },
{ "PSR.pp", 28, 0, 2, 21, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ri", 28, 0, 0, 41, NULL, },
{ "PSR.rt", 28, 0, 2, 27, NULL, },
{ "PSR.rt", 28, 0, 3, 27, NULL, },
{ "PSR.rt", 28, 0, 2, 27, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 23, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 3, 23, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 23, NULL, },
{ "PSR.sp", 28, 0, 2, 20, NULL, },
{ "PSR.sp", 28, 0, 3, 20, NULL, },
{ "PSR.sp", 28, 0, 2, 20, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 0, 2, 40, NULL, },
{ "PSR.tb", 28, 0, 3, 26, NULL, },
{ "PSR.tb", 28, 0, 2, 26, NULL, },
{ "PSR.tb", 28, 0, 2, 26, NULL, },
{ "PSR.up", 28, 0, 2, 2, NULL, },
{ "PSR.vm", 28, 0, 1, 46, NULL, },
{ "PSR.vm", 28, 0, 2, 46, NULL, },
{ "RR#", 25, 0, 3, -1, NULL, },
{ "RR#", 25, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "RSE", 29, 0, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ALAT", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[BSP]", 26, 1, 2, 17, NULL, },
{ "AR[BSPSTORE]", 26, 1, 2, 18, NULL, },
{ "AR[CCV]", 26, 1, 2, 32, NULL, },
{ "AR[CFLG]", 26, 1, 2, 27, NULL, },
{ "AR[CSD]", 26, 1, 2, 25, NULL, },
{ "AR[EC]", 26, 1, 2, 66, NULL, },
{ "AR[EFLAG]", 26, 1, 2, 24, NULL, },
{ "AR[FCR]", 26, 1, 2, 21, NULL, },
{ "AR[FDR]", 26, 1, 2, 30, NULL, },
{ "AR[FIR]", 26, 1, 2, 29, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf0.controls", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf1.controls", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf2.controls", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf3.controls", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf0.flags", 30, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf0.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf0.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf1.flags", 30, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf1.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf1.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf2.flags", 30, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf2.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf2.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf3.flags", 30, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf3.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].sf3.flags", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].rv", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FPSR].traps", 30, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[FSR]", 26, 1, 2, 28, NULL, },
{ "AR[ITC]", 26, 1, 2, 44, NULL, },
{ "AR[K%], % in 0 - 7", 1, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR[LC]", 26, 1, 2, 65, NULL, },
{ "AR[PFS]", 26, 1, 0, 64, NULL, },
{ "AR[PFS]", 26, 1, 2, 64, NULL, },
{ "AR[PFS]", 26, 1, 2, 64, NULL, },
{ "AR[RNAT]", 26, 1, 2, 19, NULL, },
{ "AR[RSC]", 26, 1, 2, 16, NULL, },
{ "AR[SSD]", 26, 1, 2, 26, NULL, },
{ "AR[UNAT]{%}, % in 0 - 63", 2, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR%, % in 8-15, 20, 22-23, 31, 33-35, 37-39, 41-43, 45-47, 67-111", 3, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "AR%, % in 48 - 63, 112-127", 4, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "BR%, % in 0 - 7", 5, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "BR%, % in 0 - 7", 5, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "BR%, % in 0 - 7", 5, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "BR%, % in 0 - 7", 5, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "CFM", 6, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CPUID#", 7, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "CR[CMCV]", 27, 1, 2, 74, NULL, },
{ "CR[DCR]", 27, 1, 2, 0, NULL, },
{ "CR[EOI]", 27, 1, 7, 67, "SC Section, \"End of External Interrupt Register (EOI Ð CR67)\" on page 2:119", },
{ "CR[GPTA]", 27, 1, 2, 9, NULL, },
{ "CR[IFA]", 27, 1, 2, 20, NULL, },
{ "CR[IFS]", 27, 1, 2, 23, NULL, },
{ "CR[IHA]", 27, 1, 2, 25, NULL, },
{ "CR[IIM]", 27, 1, 2, 24, NULL, },
{ "CR[IIP]", 27, 1, 2, 19, NULL, },
{ "CR[IIPA]", 27, 1, 2, 22, NULL, },
{ "CR[IPSR]", 27, 1, 2, 16, NULL, },
{ "CR[IRR%], % in 0 - 3", 8, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CR[ISR]", 27, 1, 2, 17, NULL, },
{ "CR[ITIR]", 27, 1, 2, 21, NULL, },
{ "CR[ITM]", 27, 1, 2, 1, NULL, },
{ "CR[ITV]", 27, 1, 2, 72, NULL, },
{ "CR[IVA]", 27, 1, 2, 2, NULL, },
{ "CR[IVR]", 27, 1, 7, 65, "SC", },
{ "CR[LID]", 27, 1, 7, 64, "SC", },
{ "CR[LRR%], % in 0 - 1", 9, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "CR[PMV]", 27, 1, 2, 73, NULL, },
{ "CR[PTA]", 27, 1, 2, 8, NULL, },
{ "CR[TPR]", 27, 1, 2, 66, NULL, },
{ "CR%, % in 3-7, 10-15, 18, 26-63, 75-79, 82-127", 10, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "DBR#", 11, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTC_LIMIT*", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "DTR", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "FR%, % in 0 - 1", 12, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "FR%, % in 2 - 127", 13, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "GR0", 14, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "GR%, % in 1 - 127", 15, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "IBR#", 16, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "InService*", 17, 1, 7, -1, "SC", },
{ "IP", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITC", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "ITR", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "memory", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "MSR#", 18, 1, 7, -1, "SC", },
{ "PKR#", 19, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PKR#", 19, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PKR#", 19, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PMC#", 20, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PMD#", 21, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR0", 0, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 1 - 15", 22, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 1 - 15", 22, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 1 - 15", 22, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 1 - 15", 22, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 16 - 62", 23, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 16 - 62", 23, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 16 - 62", 23, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR%, % in 16 - 62", 23, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 1, 0, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 3, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 1, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 44, NULL, },
{ "PSR.cpl", 28, 1, 2, 32, NULL, },
{ "PSR.da", 28, 1, 2, 38, NULL, },
{ "PSR.db", 28, 1, 2, 24, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dd", 28, 1, 2, 39, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfh", 28, 1, 2, 19, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dfl", 28, 1, 2, 18, NULL, },
{ "PSR.di", 28, 1, 2, 22, NULL, },
{ "PSR.dt", 28, 1, 2, 17, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ed", 28, 1, 2, 43, NULL, },
{ "PSR.i", 28, 1, 2, 14, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ia", 28, 1, 2, 14, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ic", 28, 1, 2, 13, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 14, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 14, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 14, NULL, },
{ "PSR.lp", 28, 1, 2, 25, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 35, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfh", 28, 1, 0, 5, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfh", 28, 1, 2, 5, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfh", 28, 1, 2, 5, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfl", 28, 1, 0, 4, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfl", 28, 1, 2, 4, NULL, },
{ "PSR.mfl", 28, 1, 2, 4, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 15, NULL, },
{ "PSR.pp", 28, 1, 2, 21, NULL, },
{ "PSR.ri", 28, 1, 2, 41, NULL, },
{ "PSR.rt", 28, 1, 2, 27, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 23, NULL, },
{ "PSR.sp", 28, 1, 2, 20, NULL, },
{ "", 28, 1, 2, 40, NULL, },
{ "PSR.tb", 28, 1, 2, 26, NULL, },
{ "PSR.up", 28, 1, 2, 2, NULL, },
{ "PSR.vm", 28, 1, 2, 46, NULL, },
{ "RR#", 25, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "RSE", 29, 1, 2, -1, NULL, },
{ "PR63", 24, 2, 6, -1, NULL, },
static const unsigned short dep0[] = {
97, 282, 2140, 2327,
static const unsigned short dep1[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173,
2327, 4135, 20616,
static const unsigned short dep2[] = {
97, 282, 2166, 2167, 2169, 2170, 2172, 2173, 2175, 2344, 2347, 2348, 2351,
2352, 2355, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep3[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173,
2344, 2347, 2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356, 4135, 20616,
static const unsigned short dep4[] = {
97, 282, 22646, 22647, 22649, 22650, 22652, 22653, 22655, 22824, 22827, 22828,
22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep5[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173,
4135, 20616, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep6[] = {
97, 282, 2166, 2167, 2169, 2170, 2172, 2173, 2175, 2344, 2345, 2347, 2349,
2351, 2353, 2355,
static const unsigned short dep7[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173,
2344, 2345, 2348, 2349, 2352, 2353, 2356, 4135, 20616,
static const unsigned short dep8[] = {
97, 282, 2166, 2167, 2169, 2170, 2172, 2173, 2175, 2344, 2346, 2348, 2350,
2352, 2354, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep9[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173,
2344, 2346, 2347, 2350, 2351, 2354, 2355, 4135, 20616,
static const unsigned short dep10[] = {
97, 282, 2166, 2167, 2169, 2170, 2172, 2173, 2175, 2344, 2345, 2346, 2347,
2348, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2352, 2353, 2354, 2355, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep11[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173,
2344, 2345, 2346, 2347, 2348, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2352, 2353, 2354, 2355, 2356,
4135, 20616,
static const unsigned short dep12[] = {
97, 282, 2395,
static const unsigned short dep13[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 282, 2082, 2083, 2166, 2168,
2169, 2171, 2172, 2174, 2175, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep14[] = {
97, 163, 282, 325, 2395, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep15[] = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 97, 150, 152, 158, 162,
164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 282, 325, 2082, 2083, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2172,
2174, 2175, 4135, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep16[] = {
1, 6, 40, 97, 137, 196, 201, 241, 282, 312, 2395, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep17[] = {
1, 25, 27, 38, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 166, 167, 175, 185, 186, 188, 196,
201, 241, 282, 312, 2082, 2083, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2172, 2174, 2175,
4135, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep18[] = {
1, 40, 51, 97, 196, 241, 248, 282, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep19[] = {
1, 38, 40, 41, 97, 158, 160, 161, 162, 175, 185, 190, 191, 196, 241, 248,
282, 4135, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep20[] = {
40, 97, 241, 282,
static const unsigned short dep21[] = {
97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 241, 282,
static const unsigned short dep22[] = {
1, 40, 97, 131, 135, 136, 138, 139, 142, 143, 146, 149, 152, 155, 156, 157,
158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 175, 178, 181, 184,
185, 188, 189, 191, 196, 241, 282, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316,
317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333,
334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep23[] = {
1, 38, 40, 41, 50, 51, 55, 58, 73, 97, 137, 138, 158, 162, 175, 185, 190,
191, 196, 241, 282, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319,
320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336,
337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 4135, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep24[] = {
97, 136, 282, 311,
static const unsigned short dep25[] = {
97, 137, 138, 158, 162, 175, 185, 190, 191, 282, 311,
static const unsigned short dep26[] = {
97, 137, 282, 312,
static const unsigned short dep27[] = {
25, 26, 97, 98, 101, 105, 108, 137, 138, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 282, 312,
static const unsigned short dep28[] = {
97, 190, 282, 344,
static const unsigned short dep29[] = {
97, 98, 101, 105, 108, 137, 138, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 282, 344,
static const unsigned short dep30[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2172, 2174, 2175,
static const unsigned short dep31[] = {
1, 25, 40, 97, 196, 228, 229, 241, 282, 2082, 2285, 2288, 2395, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep32[] = {
1, 6, 38, 40, 41, 97, 137, 138, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 196, 228,
230, 241, 282, 2082, 2083, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2172, 2174, 2175, 2286,
2288, 4135, 28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep33[] = {
97, 282,
static const unsigned short dep34[] = {
97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2082, 2084,
static const unsigned short dep35[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 282, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171,
2172, 2174, 2175, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep36[] = {
6, 37, 38, 39, 97, 125, 126, 201, 241, 282, 307, 308, 2395,
static const unsigned short dep37[] = {
6, 37, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 201, 241, 282, 307,
308, 347, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2172, 2174, 2175, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep38[] = {
24, 97, 227, 282, 2395,
static const unsigned short dep39[] = {
24, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 227, 282, 2166, 2168, 2169,
2171, 2172, 2174, 2175, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep40[] = {
6, 24, 37, 38, 39, 97, 125, 126, 201, 227, 241, 282, 307, 308, 2395,
static const unsigned short dep41[] = {
6, 24, 37, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 201, 227, 241, 282,
307, 308, 347, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2172, 2174, 2175, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep42[] = {
1, 6, 38, 40, 41, 97, 137, 138, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 196, 228,
230, 241, 282, 2166, 2168, 2169, 2171, 2172, 2174, 2175, 2286, 2288, 4135,
28866, 29018,
static const unsigned short dep43[] = {
97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282,
static const unsigned short dep44[] = {
15, 97, 210, 211, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
22646, 22647, 22648, 22650, 22651, 22653, 22654, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831,
22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep45[] = {
11, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep46[] = {
15, 16, 17, 18, 97, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 282, 2136, 2325,
18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765, 22646, 22647, 22648, 22650, 22651,
22653, 22654, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep47[] = {
11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 213, 215,
216, 218, 219, 221, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135,
16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763, 18764, 18766, 22824, 22827, 22828,
22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep48[] = {
16, 97, 213, 214, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
22646, 22647, 22648, 22650, 22651, 22653, 22654, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831,
22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep49[] = {
12, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 213, 215, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep50[] = {
17, 97, 216, 217, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
22646, 22647, 22648, 22650, 22651, 22653, 22654, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831,
22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep51[] = {
13, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 216, 218, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep52[] = {
18, 97, 219, 220, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
22646, 22647, 22648, 22650, 22651, 22653, 22654, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831,
22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep53[] = {
14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 219, 221, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep54[] = {
15, 97, 210, 211, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
static const unsigned short dep55[] = {
11, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766,
static const unsigned short dep56[] = {
15, 16, 17, 18, 97, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 282, 2136, 2325,
18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
static const unsigned short dep57[] = {
11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 213, 215,
216, 218, 219, 221, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135,
16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763, 18764, 18766,
static const unsigned short dep58[] = {
16, 97, 213, 214, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
static const unsigned short dep59[] = {
12, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 213, 215, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766,
static const unsigned short dep60[] = {
17, 97, 216, 217, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
static const unsigned short dep61[] = {
13, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 216, 218, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766,
static const unsigned short dep62[] = {
18, 97, 219, 220, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
static const unsigned short dep63[] = {
14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 219, 221, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763,
18764, 18766,
static const unsigned short dep64[] = {
97, 282, 2136, 2325, 18601, 18602, 18761, 18762, 18764, 18765,
static const unsigned short dep65[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173,
2325, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 18761, 18763, 18764, 18766,
static const unsigned short dep66[] = {
11, 97, 206, 282,
static const unsigned short dep67[] = {
11, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 206, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep68[] = {
11, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep69[] = {
12, 97, 207, 282,
static const unsigned short dep70[] = {
11, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 207, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep71[] = {
13, 97, 208, 282,
static const unsigned short dep72[] = {
11, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 208, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep73[] = {
14, 97, 209, 282,
static const unsigned short dep74[] = {
11, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 209, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep75[] = {
15, 97, 211, 212, 282,
static const unsigned short dep76[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 211, 212, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep77[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep78[] = {
16, 97, 214, 215, 282,
static const unsigned short dep79[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 214, 215, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep80[] = {
17, 97, 217, 218, 282,
static const unsigned short dep81[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 217, 218, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep82[] = {
18, 97, 220, 221, 282,
static const unsigned short dep83[] = {
40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 220, 221, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep84[] = {
15, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 282, 2166, 2167,
2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep85[] = {
15, 16, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 282, 2166,
2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep86[] = {
15, 17, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 282, 2166,
2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep87[] = {
15, 18, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 164, 175, 185, 186, 188, 282, 2166,
2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep88[] = {
15, 97, 210, 211, 282,
static const unsigned short dep89[] = {
11, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170,
2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep90[] = {
15, 16, 17, 18, 97, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 282,
static const unsigned short dep91[] = {
11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 213, 215,
216, 218, 219, 221, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep92[] = {
16, 97, 213, 214, 282,
static const unsigned short dep93[] = {
12, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 213, 215, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170,
2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep94[] = {
17, 97, 216, 217, 282,
static const unsigned short dep95[] = {
13, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 216, 218, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170,
2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep96[] = {
18, 97, 219, 220, 282,
static const unsigned short dep97[] = {
14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 219, 221, 282, 2166, 2167, 2170,
2173, 4135,
static const unsigned short dep98[] = {
15, 97, 210, 211, 282, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2344, 2347,
2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep99[] = {
11, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2344, 2347, 2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356, 4135, 16528,
16530, 16531, 16533,
static const unsigned short dep100[] = {
15, 16, 17, 18, 97, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 282, 2166, 2167,
2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2344, 2347, 2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep101[] = {
11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 213, 215,
216, 218, 219, 221, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2344, 2347,
2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533,
static const unsigned short dep102[] = {
16, 97, 213, 214, 282, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2344, 2347,
2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep103[] = {
12, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 213, 215, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2344, 2347, 2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356, 4135, 16528,
16530, 16531, 16533,
static const unsigned short dep104[] = {
17, 97, 216, 217, 282, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2344, 2347,
2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep105[] = {
13, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 216, 218, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2344, 2347, 2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356, 4135, 16528,
16530, 16531, 16533,
static const unsigned short dep106[] = {
18, 97, 219, 220, 282, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2170, 2171, 2173, 2174, 2344, 2347,
2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356,
static const unsigned short dep107[] = {
14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 219, 221, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2344, 2347, 2348, 2351, 2352, 2355, 2356, 4135, 16528,
16530, 16531, 16533,
static const unsigned short dep108[] = {
15, 97, 210, 211, 282, 22646, 22647, 22648, 22650, 22651, 22653, 22654, 22824,
22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep109[] = {
11, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137,
2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135, 16528, 16530, 16531, 16533, 22824, 22827, 22828,
22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep110[] = {
15, 16, 17, 18, 97, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 282, 22646, 22647,
22648, 22650, 22651, 22653, 22654, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835,
static const unsigned short dep111[] = {
11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 40, 41, 97, 158, 162, 175, 185, 210, 212, 213, 215,
216, 218, 219, 221, 282, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2166, 2167, 2170, 2173, 4135, 16528,
16530, 16531, 16533, 22824, 22827, 22828, 22831, 22832, 22835, 22836,
static const unsigned short dep112[] = {
16, 97, 213,