blob: 6fd450a0c5ed3606025fd588d4e91a9000c122ba [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
/* A simple container that can hold a simple mapping from integers to
* references. I.e. a dictionary where keys are integers, and values
* are liberal pointer values (NULL is allowed).
typedef struct AIntMap AIntMap;
/* Create new integer map */
AIntMap* aintMap_new(void);
/* Returns the number of keys stored in the map */
int aintmap_getCount( AIntMap* map );
/* Returns TRUE if the map has a value for the 'key'. Necessary because
* NULL is a valid value for the map.
int aintmap_has( AIntMap* map, int key );
/* Get the value associated with a 'key', or NULL if not in map */
void* aintMap_get( AIntMap* map, int key );
/* Get the value associated with a 'key', or 'def' if not in map */
void* aintMap_getWithDefault( AIntMap* map, int key, void* def );
/* Set the value associated to a 'key', return the old value, if any, or NULL */
void* aintMap_set( AIntMap* map, int key, void* value );
/* Delete a given value associated to a 'key', return the old value, or NULL */
void* aintMap_del( AIntMap* map, int key );
/* Destroy a given integer map */
void aintMap_free( AIntMap* map );
/* Integer map iterator. First call aintMapIterator_init(), then call
* aintMapIterator_next() until it returns 0. Then finish with
* aintMapIterator_done().
* Example:
* AIntMapIterator iter[1];
* aintMapIterator_init(iter, map);
* while (aintMapIterator_next(iter, &key, &value)) {
* // do something
* }
* aintMapIterator_done(iter);
typedef struct AIntMapIterator {
int key;
void* value;
void* magic[4];
} AIntMapIterator;
/* Initialize iterator. Returns -1 if the map is empty, or 0 otherwise
* On success, the first (key,value) pair can be read from the iterator
* directly.
void aintMapIterator_init( AIntMapIterator* iter, AIntMap* map );
/* Read the next (key,value) pair with an iterator, returns -1 when
* there isn't anything more, or 0 otherwise. On success, the key and
* value can be read directly from the iterator.
int aintMapIterator_next( AIntMapIterator* iter );
/* Finalize an iterator. This only needs to be called if you stop
* the iteration before aintMapIterator_init() or aintMapIterator_next()
* return -1.
void aintMapIterator_done( AIntMapIterator* iter );
#define AINTMAP_FOREACH_KEY(map, keyvarname, stmnt) \
do { \
AIntMapIterator __aintmap_foreach_iter[1]; \
aintMapIterator_init(__aintmap_foreach_iter, (map)); \
while (aintMapIterator_next(__aintmap_foreach_iter)) { \
int keyvarname = __aintmap_foreach_iter->key; \
stmnt; \
} \
aintMapIterator_done(__aintmap_foreach_iter); \
} while (0)
#define AINTMAP_FOREACH_VALUE(map, valvarname, stmnt) \
do { \
AIntMapIterator __aintmap_foreach_iter[1]; \
aintMapIterator_init(__aintmap_foreach_iter, (map)); \
while (aintMapIterator_next(__aintmap_foreach_iter)) { \
void* valvarname = __aintmap_foreach_iter->value; \
stmnt; \
} \
aintMapIterator_done(__aintmap_foreach_iter); \
} while (0)