blob: 62331c5d1e3a272bd56e5b726f081815d7b2db4a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <process.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "android/sockets.h"
#include "android/android.h"
#include "qemu-common.h"
#include "sysemu/sysemu.h"
#include "ui/console.h"
#include "android/user-events.h"
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_syswm.h>
#include "math.h"
#include "android/charmap.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/config-file.h"
#include "android/config/config.h"
#include "android/kernel/kernel_utils.h"
#include "android/user-config.h"
#include "android/utils/bufprint.h"
#include "android/utils/filelock.h"
#include "android/utils/lineinput.h"
#include "android/utils/path.h"
#include "android/utils/property_file.h"
#include "android/utils/tempfile.h"
#include "android/main-common.h"
#include "android/help.h"
#include "hw/android/goldfish/nand.h"
#include "android/globals.h"
#include "android/qemulator.h"
#include "android/display.h"
#include "android/snapshot.h"
#include "android/framebuffer.h"
#include "android/iolooper.h"
AndroidRotation android_framebuffer_rotation;
#define _STRINGIFY(x) #x
# define VERSION_STRING "standalone"
#define D(...) do { if (VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) dprint(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
extern int control_console_start( int port ); /* in control.c */
extern int qemu_milli_needed;
/* the default device DPI if none is specified by the skin
int qemu_main(int argc, char **argv);
/* this function dumps the QEMU help */
extern void help( void );
extern void emulator_help( void );
#define VERBOSE_OPT(str,var) { str, &var }
#define _VERBOSE_TAG(x,y) { #x, VERBOSE_##x, y },
static const struct { const char* name; int flag; const char* text; }
verbose_options[] = {
{ 0, 0, 0 }
void emulator_help( void )
printf( "%.*s", out->n, out->s );
/* TODO: Put in shared source file */
static char*
_getFullFilePath( const char* rootPath, const char* fileName )
if (path_is_absolute(fileName)) {
return ASTRDUP(fileName);
} else {
char temp[PATH_MAX], *p=temp, *end=p+sizeof(temp);
p = bufprint(temp, end, "%s/%s", rootPath, fileName);
if (p >= end) {
return NULL;
return ASTRDUP(temp);
static uint64_t
_adjustPartitionSize( const char* description,
uint64_t imageBytes,
uint64_t defaultBytes,
int inAndroidBuild )
char temp[64];
unsigned imageMB;
unsigned defaultMB;
if (imageBytes <= defaultBytes)
return defaultBytes;
imageMB = convertBytesToMB(imageBytes);
defaultMB = convertBytesToMB(defaultBytes);
if (imageMB > defaultMB) {
snprintf(temp, sizeof temp, "(%d MB > %d MB)", imageMB, defaultMB);
} else {
snprintf(temp, sizeof temp, "(%" PRIu64 " bytes > %" PRIu64 " bytes)", imageBytes, defaultBytes);
if (inAndroidBuild) {
dwarning("%s partition size adjusted to match image file %s\n", description, temp);
return convertMBToBytes(imageMB);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char tmp[MAX_PATH];
char* tmpend = tmp + sizeof(tmp);
char* args[128];
int n;
char* opt;
/* The emulator always uses the first serial port for kernel messages
* and the second one for qemud. So start at the third if we need one
* for logcat or 'shell'
int serial = 2;
int shell_serial = 0;
int forceArmv7 = 0;
AndroidHwConfig* hw;
AvdInfo* avd;
AConfig* skinConfig;
char* skinPath;
int inAndroidBuild;
uint64_t defaultPartitionSize = convertMBToBytes(200);
AndroidOptions opts[1];
/* net.shared_net_ip boot property value. */
char boot_prop_ip[64];
boot_prop_ip[0] = '\0';
args[0] = argv[0];
if ( android_parse_options( &argc, &argv, opts ) < 0 ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
while (argc-- > 1) {
opt = (++argv)[0];
if(!strcmp(opt, "-qemu")) {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-help")) {
if (!strncmp(opt, "-help-",6)) {
opt += 6;
if (!strcmp(opt, "all")) {
else if (android_help_for_option(opt, out) == 0) {
/* ok */
else if (android_help_for_topic(opt, out) == 0) {
/* ok */
if (out->n > 0) {
printf("\n%.*s", out->n, out->s);
fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: -help-%s\n", opt);
fprintf(stderr, "please use -help for a list of valid topics\n");
if (opt[0] == '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", opt);
fprintf(stderr, "please use -help for a list of valid options\n");
fprintf(stderr, "invalid command-line parameter: %s.\n", opt);
fprintf(stderr, "Hint: use '@foo' to launch a virtual device named 'foo'.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "please use -help for more information\n");
if (opts->version) {
printf("Android emulator version %s\n"
"Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The Android Open Source Project and many others.\n"
"This program is a derivative of the QEMU CPU emulator (\n\n",
#if defined ANDROID_BUILD_ID
printf(" This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public\n"
" License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and\n"
" may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.\n\n"
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
" GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n");
if (opts->snapshot_list) {
if (opts->snapstorage == NULL) {
/* Need to find the default snapstorage */
avd = createAVD(opts, &inAndroidBuild);
opts->snapstorage = avdInfo_getSnapStoragePath(avd);
if (opts->snapstorage != NULL) {
D("autoconfig: -snapstorage %s", opts->snapstorage);
} else {
if (inAndroidBuild) {
derror("You must use the -snapstorage <file> option to specify a snapshot storage file!\n");
} else {
derror("This AVD doesn't have snapshotting enabled!\n");
/* Initialization of UI started with -attach-core should work differently
* than initialization of UI that starts the core. In particular....
/* -charmap is incompatible with -attach-core, because particular
* charmap gets set up in the running core. */
if (android_charmap_setup(opts->charmap)) {
/* Parses options and builds an appropriate AVD. */
avd = android_avdInfo = createAVD(opts, &inAndroidBuild);
/* get the skin from the virtual device configuration */
if (opts->skindir != NULL) {
if (opts->skin == NULL) {
/* NOTE: Normally handled by sanitizeOptions(), just be safe */
derror("The -skindir <path> option requires a -skin <name> option");
} else {
char* skinName;
char* skinDir;
avdInfo_getSkinInfo(avd, &skinName, &skinDir);
if (opts->skin == NULL) {
opts->skin = skinName;
D("autoconfig: -skin %s", opts->skin);
} else {
opts->skindir = skinDir;
D("autoconfig: -skindir %s", opts->skindir);
/* update the avd hw config from this new skin */
avdInfo_getSkinHardwareIni(avd, opts->skin, opts->skindir);
if (opts->dynamic_skin == 0) {
opts->dynamic_skin = avdInfo_shouldUseDynamicSkin(avd);
/* Read hardware configuration */
hw = android_hw;
if (avdInfo_initHwConfig(avd, hw) < 0) {
derror("could not read hardware configuration ?");
if (opts->keyset) {
parse_keyset(opts->keyset, opts);
if (!android_keyset) {
"emulator: WARNING: could not find keyset file named '%s',"
" using defaults instead\n",
if (!android_keyset) {
parse_keyset("default", opts);
if (!android_keyset) {
android_keyset = skin_keyset_new_from_text( skin_keyset_get_default() );
if (!android_keyset) {
fprintf(stderr, "PANIC: default keyset file is corrupted !!\n" );
fprintf(stderr, "PANIC: please update the code in android/skin/keyset.c\n" );
if (!opts->keyset)
if (opts->shared_net_id) {
char* end;
long shared_net_id = strtol(opts->shared_net_id, &end, 0);
if (end == NULL || *end || shared_net_id < 1 || shared_net_id > 255) {
fprintf(stderr, "option -shared-net-id must be an integer between 1 and 255\n");
snprintf(boot_prop_ip, sizeof(boot_prop_ip),
"net.shared_net_ip=10.1.2.%ld", shared_net_id);
parse_skin_files(opts->skindir, opts->skin, opts, hw,
&skinConfig, &skinPath);
if (!opts->netspeed && skin_network_speed) {
D("skin network speed: '%s'", skin_network_speed);
if (strcmp(skin_network_speed, NETWORK_SPEED_DEFAULT) != 0) {
opts->netspeed = (char*)skin_network_speed;
if (!opts->netdelay && skin_network_delay) {
D("skin network delay: '%s'", skin_network_delay);
if (strcmp(skin_network_delay, NETWORK_DELAY_DEFAULT) != 0) {
opts->netdelay = (char*)skin_network_delay;
if (opts->trace) {
char* tracePath = avdInfo_getTracePath(avd, opts->trace);
int ret;
if (tracePath == NULL) {
derror( "bad -trace parameter" );
ret = path_mkdir_if_needed( tracePath, 0755 );
if (ret < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "could not create directory '%s'\n", tmp);
opts->trace = tracePath;
/* Update CPU architecture for HW configs created from build dir. */
if (inAndroidBuild) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
android_hw->hw_cpu_arch = ASTRDUP("arm");
#elif defined(TARGET_I386)
android_hw->hw_cpu_arch = ASTRDUP("x86");
#elif defined(TARGET_MIPS)
android_hw->hw_cpu_arch = ASTRDUP("mips");
n = 1;
/* generate arguments for the underlying qemu main() */
char* kernelFile = opts->kernel;
int kernelFileLen;
if (kernelFile == NULL) {
kernelFile = avdInfo_getKernelPath(avd);
if (kernelFile == NULL) {
derror( "This AVD's configuration is missing a kernel file!!" );
D("autoconfig: -kernel %s", kernelFile);
if (!path_exists(kernelFile)) {
derror( "Invalid or missing kernel image file: %s", kernelFile );
hw->kernel_path = kernelFile;
/* If the kernel image name ends in "-armv7", then change the cpu
* type automatically. This is a poor man's approach to configuration
* management, but should allow us to get past building ARMv7
* system images with dex preopt pass without introducing too many
* changes to the emulator sources.
* XXX:
* A 'proper' change would require adding some sort of hardware-property
* to each AVD config file, then automatically determine its value for
* full Android builds (depending on some environment variable), plus
* some build system changes. I prefer not to do that for now for reasons
* of simplicity.
kernelFileLen = strlen(kernelFile);
if (kernelFileLen > 6 && !memcmp(kernelFile + kernelFileLen - 6, "-armv7", 6)) {
forceArmv7 = 1;
// Auto-detect kernel device naming scheme if needed.
if (androidHwConfig_getKernelDeviceNaming(hw) < 0) {
KernelType kernelType;
const char* newDeviceNaming = "no";
if (!android_pathProbeKernelType(hw->kernel_path, &kernelType)) {
D("WARNING: Could not determine kernel device naming scheme. Assuming legacy\n"
"If this AVD doesn't boot, and uses a recent kernel (3.10 or above) try setting\n"
"'kernel.newDeviceNaming' to 'yes' in its configuration.\n");
} else if (kernelType == KERNEL_TYPE_3_10_OR_ABOVE) {
D("Auto-detect: Kernel image requires new device naming scheme.");
newDeviceNaming = "yes";
} else {
D("Auto-detect: Kernel image requires legacy device naming scheme.");
hw->kernel_newDeviceNaming = ASTRDUP(newDeviceNaming);
if (boot_prop_ip[0]) {
args[n++] = "-boot-property";
args[n++] = boot_prop_ip;
if (opts->tcpdump) {
args[n++] = "-tcpdump";
args[n++] = opts->tcpdump;
if (opts->nand_limits) {
args[n++] = "-nand-limits";
args[n++] = opts->nand_limits;
if (opts->timezone) {
args[n++] = "-timezone";
args[n++] = opts->timezone;
if (opts->netspeed) {
args[n++] = "-netspeed";
args[n++] = opts->netspeed;
if (opts->netdelay) {
args[n++] = "-netdelay";
args[n++] = opts->netdelay;
if (opts->netfast) {
args[n++] = "-netfast";
if (opts->audio) {
args[n++] = "-audio";
args[n++] = opts->audio;
if (opts->cpu_delay) {
args[n++] = "-cpu-delay";
args[n++] = opts->cpu_delay;
if (opts->dns_server) {
args[n++] = "-dns-server";
args[n++] = opts->dns_server;
/* opts->ramdisk is never NULL (see createAVD) here */
if (opts->ramdisk) {
hw->disk_ramdisk_path = ASTRDUP(opts->ramdisk);
else if (!hw->disk_ramdisk_path[0]) {
hw->disk_ramdisk_path = avdInfo_getRamdiskPath(avd);
D("autoconfig: -ramdisk %s", hw->disk_ramdisk_path);
/* -partition-size is used to specify the max size of both the system
* and data partition sizes.
if (opts->partition_size) {
char* end;
long sizeMB = strtol(opts->partition_size, &end, 0);
long minSizeMB = 10;
long maxSizeMB = LONG_MAX / ONE_MB;
if (sizeMB < 0 || *end != 0) {
derror( "-partition-size must be followed by a positive integer" );
if (sizeMB < minSizeMB || sizeMB > maxSizeMB) {
derror( "partition-size (%d) must be between %dMB and %dMB",
sizeMB, minSizeMB, maxSizeMB );
defaultPartitionSize = (uint64_t) sizeMB * ONE_MB;
if (opts->sysdir == NULL) {
if (avdInfo_inAndroidBuild(avd)) {
opts->sysdir = ASTRDUP(avdInfo_getContentPath(avd));
D("autoconfig: -sysdir %s", opts->sysdir);
if (opts->sysdir != NULL) {
if (!path_exists(opts->sysdir)) {
derror("Directory does not exist: %s", opts->sysdir);
char* rwImage = NULL;
char* initImage = NULL;
do {
if (opts->system == NULL) {
/* If -system is not used, try to find a runtime system image
* (i.e. system-qemu.img) in the content directory.
rwImage = avdInfo_getSystemImagePath(avd);
if (rwImage != NULL) {
/* Otherwise, try to find the initial system image */
initImage = avdInfo_getSystemInitImagePath(avd);
if (initImage == NULL) {
derror("No initial system image for this configuration!");
/* If -system <name> is used, use it to find the initial image */
if (opts->sysdir != NULL && !path_exists(opts->system)) {
initImage = _getFullFilePath(opts->sysdir, opts->system);
} else {
initImage = ASTRDUP(opts->system);
if (!path_exists(initImage)) {
derror("System image file doesn't exist: %s", initImage);
} while (0);
if (rwImage != NULL) {
/* Use the read/write image file directly */
hw->disk_systemPartition_path = rwImage;
hw->disk_systemPartition_initPath = NULL;
D("Using direct system image: %s", rwImage);
} else if (initImage != NULL) {
hw->disk_systemPartition_path = NULL;
hw->disk_systemPartition_initPath = initImage;
D("Using initial system image: %s", initImage);
/* Check the size of the system partition image.
* If we have an AVD, it must be smaller than
* the disk.systemPartition.size hardware property.
* Otherwise, we need to adjust the systemPartitionSize
* automatically, and print a warning.
const char* systemImage = hw->disk_systemPartition_path;
uint64_t systemBytes;
if (systemImage == NULL)
systemImage = hw->disk_systemPartition_initPath;
if (path_get_size(systemImage, &systemBytes) < 0) {
derror("Missing system image: %s", systemImage);
hw->disk_systemPartition_size =
_adjustPartitionSize("system", systemBytes, defaultPartitionSize,
if (opts->datadir) {
if (!path_exists(opts->datadir)) {
derror("Invalid -datadir directory: %s", opts->datadir);
char* dataImage = NULL;
char* initImage = NULL;
do {
if (!opts->data) {
dataImage = avdInfo_getDataImagePath(avd);
if (dataImage != NULL) {
D("autoconfig: -data %s", dataImage);
dataImage = avdInfo_getDefaultDataImagePath(avd);
if (dataImage == NULL) {
derror("No data image path for this configuration!");
exit (1);
opts->wipe_data = 1;
if (opts->datadir) {
dataImage = _getFullFilePath(opts->datadir, opts->data);
} else {
dataImage = ASTRDUP(opts->data);
} while (0);
if (opts->initdata != NULL) {
initImage = ASTRDUP(opts->initdata);
if (!path_exists(initImage)) {
derror("Invalid initial data image path: %s", initImage);
} else {
initImage = avdInfo_getDataInitImagePath(avd);
D("autoconfig: -initdata %s", initImage);
hw->disk_dataPartition_path = dataImage;
if (opts->wipe_data) {
hw->disk_dataPartition_initPath = initImage;
} else {
hw->disk_dataPartition_initPath = NULL;
uint64_t defaultBytes =
hw->disk_dataPartition_size == 0 ?
defaultPartitionSize :
uint64_t dataBytes;
const char* dataPath = hw->disk_dataPartition_initPath;
if (dataPath == NULL)
dataPath = hw->disk_dataPartition_path;
path_get_size(dataPath, &dataBytes);
hw->disk_dataPartition_size =
_adjustPartitionSize("data", dataBytes, defaultBytes,
if (opts->no_cache) {
/* No cache partition at all */
hw->disk_cachePartition = 0;
else if (!hw->disk_cachePartition) {
if (opts->cache) {
dwarning( "Emulated hardware doesn't support a cache partition. -cache option ignored!" );
opts->cache = NULL;
if (!opts->cache) {
/* Find the current cache partition file */
opts->cache = avdInfo_getCachePath(avd);
if (opts->cache == NULL) {
/* The file does not exists, we will force its creation
* if we are not in the Android build system. Otherwise,
* a temporary file will be used.
if (!avdInfo_inAndroidBuild(avd)) {
opts->cache = avdInfo_getDefaultCachePath(avd);
if (opts->cache) {
D("autoconfig: -cache %s", opts->cache);
if (opts->cache) {
hw->disk_cachePartition_path = ASTRDUP(opts->cache);
if (hw->disk_cachePartition_path && opts->cache_size) {
/* Set cache partition size per user options. */
char* end;
long sizeMB = strtol(opts->cache_size, &end, 0);
if (sizeMB < 0 || *end != 0) {
derror( "-cache-size must be followed by a positive integer" );
hw->disk_cachePartition_size = (uint64_t) sizeMB * ONE_MB;
if (!hw->hw_sdCard) {
/* No SD Card emulation, so -sdcard will be ignored */
if (opts->sdcard) {
dwarning( "Emulated hardware doesn't support SD Cards. -sdcard option ignored." );
opts->sdcard = NULL;
} else {
/* Auto-configure -sdcard if it is not available */
if (!opts->sdcard) {
do {
/* If -datadir <path> is used, look for a sdcard.img file here */
if (opts->datadir) {
bufprint(tmp, tmpend, "%s/%s", opts->datadir, "system.img");
if (path_exists(tmp)) {
opts->sdcard = strdup(tmp);
/* Otherwise, look at the AVD's content */
opts->sdcard = avdInfo_getSdCardPath(avd);
if (opts->sdcard != NULL) {
/* Nothing */
} while (0);
if (opts->sdcard) {
D("autoconfig: -sdcard %s", opts->sdcard);
if(opts->sdcard) {
uint64_t size;
if (path_get_size(opts->sdcard, &size) == 0) {
/* see if we have an sdcard image. get its size if it exists */
/* due to what looks like limitations of the MMC protocol, one has
* to use an SD Card image that is equal or larger than 9 MB
if (size < 9*1024*1024ULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "### WARNING: SD Card files must be at least 9MB, ignoring '%s'\n", opts->sdcard);
} else {
hw->hw_sdCard_path = ASTRDUP(opts->sdcard);
} else {
dwarning("no SD Card image at '%s'", opts->sdcard);
/* Determine snapstorage path. -no-snapstorage disables all snapshotting
* support. This means you can't resume a snapshot at load, save it at
* exit, or even load/save them dynamically at runtime with the console.
if (opts->no_snapstorage) {
if (opts->snapshot) {
dwarning("ignoring -snapshot option due to the use of -no-snapstorage");
opts->snapshot = NULL;
if (opts->snapstorage) {
dwarning("ignoring -snapstorage option due to the use of -no-snapstorage");
opts->snapstorage = NULL;
if (!opts->snapstorage && avdInfo_getSnapshotPresent(avd)) {
opts->snapstorage = avdInfo_getSnapStoragePath(avd);
if (opts->snapstorage != NULL) {
D("autoconfig: -snapstorage %s", opts->snapstorage);
if (opts->snapstorage && !path_exists(opts->snapstorage)) {
D("no image at '%s', state snapshots disabled", opts->snapstorage);
opts->snapstorage = NULL;
/* If we have a valid snapshot storage path */
if (opts->snapstorage) {
hw->disk_snapStorage_path = ASTRDUP(opts->snapstorage);
/* -no-snapshot is equivalent to using both -no-snapshot-load
* and -no-snapshot-save. You can still load/save snapshots dynamically
* from the console though.
if (opts->no_snapshot) {
opts->no_snapshot_load = 1;
opts->no_snapshot_save = 1;
if (opts->snapshot) {
dwarning("ignoring -snapshot option due to the use of -no-snapshot.");
if (!opts->no_snapshot_load || !opts->no_snapshot_save) {
if (opts->snapshot == NULL) {
opts->snapshot = "default-boot";
D("autoconfig: -snapshot %s", opts->snapshot);
/* We still use QEMU command-line options for the following since
* they can change from one invokation to the next and don't really
* correspond to the hardware configuration itself.
if (!opts->no_snapshot_load) {
args[n++] = "-loadvm";
args[n++] = ASTRDUP(opts->snapshot);
if (!opts->no_snapshot_save) {
args[n++] = "-savevm-on-exit";
args[n++] = ASTRDUP(opts->snapshot);
if (opts->no_snapshot_update_time) {
args[n++] = "-snapshot-no-time-update";
if (!opts->logcat || opts->logcat[0] == 0) {
opts->logcat = getenv("ANDROID_LOG_TAGS");
if (opts->logcat && opts->logcat[0] == 0)
opts->logcat = NULL;
/* we always send the kernel messages from ttyS0 to android_kmsg */
if (opts->show_kernel) {
args[n++] = "-show-kernel";
/* XXXX: TODO: implement -shell and -logcat through qemud instead */
if (!opts->shell_serial) {
#ifdef _WIN32
opts->shell_serial = "con:";
opts->shell_serial = "stdio";
opts->shell = 1;
if (opts->shell || opts->logcat) {
args[n++] = "-serial";
args[n++] = opts->shell_serial;
shell_serial = serial++;
if (opts->radio) {
args[n++] = "-radio";
args[n++] = opts->radio;
if (opts->gps) {
args[n++] = "-gps";
args[n++] = opts->gps;
if (opts->selinux) {
if ((strcmp(opts->selinux, "permissive") != 0)
&& (strcmp(opts->selinux, "disabled") != 0)) {
derror("-selinux must be \"disabled\" or \"permissive\"");
if (opts->memory) {
char* end;
long ramSize = strtol(opts->memory, &end, 0);
if (ramSize < 0 || *end != 0) {
derror( "-memory must be followed by a positive integer" );
if (ramSize < 32 || ramSize > 4096) {
derror( "physical memory size must be between 32 and 4096 MB" );
hw->hw_ramSize = ramSize;
if (!opts->memory) {
int ramSize = hw->hw_ramSize;
if (ramSize <= 0) {
/* Compute the default RAM size based on the size of screen.
* This is only used when the skin doesn't provide the ram
* size through its hardware.ini (i.e. legacy ones) or when
* in the full Android build system.
int64_t pixels = hw->hw_lcd_width * hw->hw_lcd_height;
/* The following thresholds are a bit liberal, but we
* essentially want to ensure the following mappings:
* 320x480 -> 96
* 800x600 -> 128
* 1024x768 -> 256
* These are just simple heuristics, they could change in
* the future.
if (pixels <= 250000)
ramSize = 96;
else if (pixels <= 500000)
ramSize = 128;
ramSize = 256;
hw->hw_ramSize = ramSize;
D("Physical RAM size: %dMB\n", hw->hw_ramSize);
if (hw->vm_heapSize == 0) {
/* Compute the default heap size based on the RAM size.
* Essentially, we want to ensure the following liberal mappings:
* 96MB RAM -> 16MB heap
* 128MB RAM -> 24MB heap
* 256MB RAM -> 48MB heap
int ramSize = hw->hw_ramSize;
int heapSize;
if (ramSize < 100)
heapSize = 16;
else if (ramSize < 192)
heapSize = 24;
heapSize = 48;
hw->vm_heapSize = heapSize;
if (opts->trace) {
args[n++] = "-trace";
args[n++] = opts->trace;
args[n++] = "-tracing";
args[n++] = "off";
/* Pass boot properties to the core. First, those from boot.prop,
* then those from the command-line */
const FileData* bootProperties = avdInfo_getBootProperties(avd);
if (!fileData_isEmpty(bootProperties)) {
PropertyFileIterator iter[1];
while (propertyFileIterator_next(iter)) {
snprintf(temp, sizeof temp, "%s=%s", iter->name, iter->value);
args[n++] = "-boot-property";
args[n++] = ASTRDUP(temp);
if (opts->prop != NULL) {
ParamList* pl = opts->prop;
for ( ; pl != NULL; pl = pl->next ) {
args[n++] = "-boot-property";
args[n++] = pl->param;
/* Setup the kernel init options
static char params[1024];
char *p = params, *end = p + sizeof(params);
/* Don't worry about having a leading space here, this is handled
* by the core later. */
#ifdef TARGET_I386
p = bufprint(p, end, " androidboot.hardware=goldfish");
p = bufprint(p, end, " clocksource=pit");
if (opts->shell || opts->logcat) {
p = bufprint(p, end, " androidboot.console=%s%d",
shell_serial );
if (opts->trace) {
p = bufprint(p, end, " android.tracing=1");
if (!opts->no_jni) {
p = bufprint(p, end, " android.checkjni=1");
if (opts->no_boot_anim) {
p = bufprint( p, end, " android.bootanim=0" );
if (opts->logcat) {
char* q = bufprint(p, end, " androidboot.logcat=%s", opts->logcat);
if (q < end) {
/* replace any space by a comma ! */
int nn;
for (nn = 1; p[nn] != 0; nn++)
if (p[nn] == ' ' || p[nn] == '\t')
p[nn] = ',';
p += nn;
p = q;
if (opts->bootchart) {
p = bufprint(p, end, " androidboot.bootchart=%s", opts->bootchart);
if (opts->selinux) {
p = bufprint(p, end, " androidboot.selinux=%s", opts->selinux);
if (p >= end) {
fprintf(stderr, "### ERROR: kernel parameters too long\n");
hw->kernel_parameters = strdup(params);
if (opts->ports) {
args[n++] = "-android-ports";
args[n++] = opts->ports;
if (opts->port) {
args[n++] = "-android-port";
args[n++] = opts->port;
if (opts->report_console) {
args[n++] = "-android-report-console";
args[n++] = opts->report_console;
if (opts->http_proxy) {
args[n++] = "-http-proxy";
args[n++] = opts->http_proxy;
if (!opts->charmap) {
/* Try to find a valid charmap name */
char* charmap = avdInfo_getCharmapFile(avd, hw->hw_keyboard_charmap);
if (charmap != NULL) {
D("autoconfig: -charmap %s", charmap);
opts->charmap = charmap;
if (opts->charmap) {
char charmap_name[AKEYCHARMAP_NAME_SIZE];
if (!path_exists(opts->charmap)) {
derror("Charmap file does not exist: %s", opts->charmap);
/* We need to store the charmap name in the hardware configuration.
* However, the charmap file itself is only used by the UI component
* and doesn't need to be set to the emulation engine.
kcm_extract_charmap_name(opts->charmap, charmap_name,
hw->hw_keyboard_charmap = ASTRDUP(charmap_name);
if (opts->memcheck) {
args[n++] = "-android-memcheck";
args[n++] = opts->memcheck;
if (opts->gpu) {
const char* gpu = opts->gpu;
if (!strcmp(gpu,"on") || !strcmp(gpu,"enable")) {
hw->hw_gpu_enabled = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(gpu,"off") || !strcmp(gpu,"disable")) {
hw->hw_gpu_enabled = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(gpu,"auto")) {
/* Nothing to do */
} else {
derror("Invalid value for -gpu <mode> parameter: %s\n", gpu);
derror("Valid values are: on, off or auto\n");
/* Quit emulator on condition that both, gpu and snapstorage are on. This is
* a temporary solution preventing the emulator from crashing until GPU state
* can be properly saved / resored in snapshot file. */
if (hw->hw_gpu_enabled && opts->snapstorage && (!opts->no_snapshot_load ||
!opts->no_snapshot_save)) {
derror("Snapshots and gpu are mutually exclusive at this point. Please turn one of them off, and restart the emulator.");
/* Deal with camera emulation */
if (opts->webcam_list) {
/* List connected webcameras */
args[n++] = "-list-webcam";
if (opts->camera_back) {
/* Validate parameter. */
if (memcmp(opts->camera_back, "webcam", 6) &&
strcmp(opts->camera_back, "emulated") &&
strcmp(opts->camera_back, "none")) {
derror("Invalid value for -camera-back <mode> parameter: %s\n"
"Valid values are: 'emulated', 'webcam<N>', or 'none'\n",
hw->hw_camera_back = ASTRDUP(opts->camera_back);
if (opts->camera_front) {
/* Validate parameter. */
if (memcmp(opts->camera_front, "webcam", 6) &&
strcmp(opts->camera_front, "emulated") &&
strcmp(opts->camera_front, "none")) {
derror("Invalid value for -camera-front <mode> parameter: %s\n"
"Valid values are: 'emulated', 'webcam<N>', or 'none'\n",
hw->hw_camera_front = ASTRDUP(opts->camera_front);
/* physical memory is now in hw->hw_ramSize */
hw->avd_name = ASTRDUP(avdInfo_getName(avd));
/* Set up the interfaces for inter-emulator networking */
if (opts->shared_net_id) {
unsigned int shared_net_id = atoi(opts->shared_net_id);
char nic[37];
args[n++] = "-net";
args[n++] = "nic,vlan=0";
args[n++] = "-net";
args[n++] = "user,vlan=0";
args[n++] = "-net";
snprintf(nic, sizeof nic, "nic,vlan=1,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:%02x", shared_net_id);
args[n++] = strdup(nic);
args[n++] = "-net";
args[n++] = "socket,vlan=1,mcast=";
/* Setup screen emulation */
if (opts->screen) {
if (strcmp(opts->screen, "touch") &&
strcmp(opts->screen, "multi-touch") &&
strcmp(opts->screen, "no-touch")) {
derror("Invalid value for -screen <mode> parameter: %s\n"
"Valid values are: touch, multi-touch, or no-touch\n",
hw->hw_screen = ASTRDUP(opts->screen);
while(argc-- > 0) {
args[n++] = *argv++;
args[n] = 0;
/* If the target ABI is armeabi-v7a, we can auto-detect the cpu model
* as a cortex-a8, instead of the default (arm926) which only emulates
* an ARMv5TE CPU.
if (!forceArmv7 && hw->hw_cpu_model[0] == '\0')
char* abi = avdInfo_getTargetAbi(avd);
if (abi != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(abi, "armeabi-v7a")) {
forceArmv7 = 1;
if (forceArmv7 != 0) {
hw->hw_cpu_model = ASTRDUP("cortex-a8");
D("Auto-config: -qemu -cpu %s", hw->hw_cpu_model);
/* If the target architecture is 'x86', ensure that the 'qemu32'
* CPU model is used. Otherwise, the default (which is now 'qemu64')
* will result in a failure to boot with some kernels under
* un-accelerated emulation.
if (hw->hw_cpu_model[0] == '\0') {
char* arch = avdInfo_getTargetCpuArch(avd);
D("Target arch = '%s'", arch ? arch : "NULL");
if (arch != NULL && !strcmp(arch, "x86")) {
hw->hw_cpu_model = ASTRDUP("qemu32");
D("Auto-config: -qemu -cpu %s", hw->hw_cpu_model);
/* Generate a hardware-qemu.ini for this AVD. The real hardware
* configuration is ususally stored in several files, e.g. the AVD's
* config.ini plus the skin-specific hardware.ini.
* The new file will group all definitions and will be used to
* launch the core with the -android-hw <file> option.
const char* coreHwIniPath = avdInfo_getCoreHwIniPath(avd);
IniFile* hwIni = iniFile_newFromMemory("", NULL);
androidHwConfig_write(hw, hwIni);
if (filelock_create(coreHwIniPath) == NULL) {
/* The AVD is already in use, we still support this as an
* experimental feature. Use a temporary hardware-qemu.ini
* file though to avoid overwriting the existing one. */
TempFile* tempIni = tempfile_create();
coreHwIniPath = tempfile_path(tempIni);
/* While saving HW config, ignore valueless entries. This will not break
* anything, but will significantly simplify comparing the current HW
* config with the one that has been associated with a snapshot (in case
* VM starts from a snapshot for this instance of emulator). */
if (iniFile_saveToFileClean(hwIni, coreHwIniPath) < 0) {
derror("Could not write hardware.ini to %s: %s", coreHwIniPath, strerror(errno));
args[n++] = "-android-hw";
args[n++] = strdup(coreHwIniPath);
/* In verbose mode, dump the file's content */
if (VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) {
FILE* file = fopen(coreHwIniPath, "rt");
if (file == NULL) {
derror("Could not open hardware configuration file: %s\n",
} else {
LineInput* input = lineInput_newFromStdFile(file);
const char* line;
printf("Content of hardware configuration file:\n");
while ((line = lineInput_getLine(input)) != NULL) {
printf(" %s\n", line);
if(VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) {
int i;
printf("QEMU options list:\n");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("emulator: argv[%02d] = \"%s\"\n", i, args[i]);
/* Dump final command-line option to make debugging the core easier */
printf("Concatenated QEMU options:\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/* To make it easier to copy-paste the output to a command-line,
* quote anything that contains spaces.
if (strchr(args[i], ' ') != NULL) {
printf(" '%s'", args[i]);
} else {
printf(" %s", args[i]);
/* Setup SDL UI just before calling the code */
init_sdl_ui(skinConfig, skinPath, opts);
if (attach_ui_to_core(opts) < 0) {
derror("Can't attach to core!");
return qemu_main(n, args);