blob: 7996d857bc59b0b1aece0a3ead6f9556693924a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/base/containers/StringVector.h"
#include "android/base/String.h"
namespace android {
namespace base {
// Utility functions to manage file paths. None of these should touch the
// file system. All methods must be static.
class PathUtils {
// An enum listing the supported host file system types.
// HOST_POSIX means a Posix-like file system.
// HOST_WIN32 means a Windows-like file system.
// HOST_TYPE means the current host type (one of the above).
// NOTE: If you update this list, modify kHostTypeCount below too.
enum HostType {
HOST_WIN32 = 1,
#ifdef _WIN32
// The number of distinct items in the HostType enumeration above.
static const int kHostTypeCount = 2;
// Return true if |ch| is a directory separator for a given |hostType|.
static bool isDirSeparator(int ch, HostType hostType);
// Return true if |ch| is a directory separator for the current platform.
static inline bool isDirSeparator(int ch) {
return isDirSeparator(ch, HOST_TYPE);
// Return true if |ch| is a path separator for a given |hostType|.
static bool isPathSeparator(int ch, HostType hostType);
// Return true if |ch| is a path separator for the current platform.
static inline bool isPathSeparator(int ch) {
return isPathSeparator(ch, HOST_TYPE);
// If |path} starts with a root prefix, return its size in bytes, or
// 0 otherwise. The definition of valid root prefixes depends on the
// value of |hostType|. For HOST_POSIX, it's any path that begins
// with a slash (/). For HOST_WIN32, the following prefixes are
// recognized:
// <drive>:
// <drive>:<sep>
// <sep><sep>volumeName<sep>
static size_t rootPrefixSize(const char* path, HostType hostType);
// Return the root prefix for the current platform. See above for
// documentation.
static inline size_t rootPrefixSize(const char* path) {
return rootPrefixSize(path, HOST_TYPE);
// Return true iff |path| is an absolute path for a given |hostType|.
static bool isAbsolute(const char* path, HostType hostType);
// Return true iff |path| is an absolute path for the current host.
static inline bool isAbsolute(const char* path) {
return isAbsolute(path, HOST_TYPE);
// Decompose |path| into individual components. If |path| has a root
// prefix, it will always be the first component. I.e. for Posix
// systems this will be '/' (for absolute paths). For Win32 systems,
// it could be 'C:" (for a path relative to a root volume) or "C:\"
// for an absolute path from volume C).,
// On success, return true and sets |out| to a vector of strings,
// each one being a path component (prefix or subdirectory or file
// name). Directory separators do not appear in components, except
// for the root prefix, if any.
static StringVector decompose(const char* path, HostType hostType);
// Decompose |path| into individual components for the host platform.
// See comments above for more details.
static inline StringVector decompose(const char* path) {
return decompose(path, HOST_TYPE);
// Recompose a path from individual components into a file path string.
// |components| is a vector of strings, and |hostType| the target
// host type to use. Return a new file path string. Note that if the
// first component is a root prefix, it will be kept as is, i.e.:
// [ 'C:', 'foo' ] -> 'C:foo' on Win32, but not Posix where it will
// be 'C:/foo'.
static String recompose(const StringVector& components,
HostType hostType);
// Recompose a path from individual components into a file path string
// for the current host. |components| is a vector os strings.
// Returns a new file path string.
static inline String recompose(const StringVector& components) {
return recompose(components, HOST_TYPE);
// Given a list of components returned by decompose(), simplify it
// by removing instances of '.' and '..' when that makes sense.
// Note that it is not possible to simplify initial instances of
// '..', i.e. "foo/../../bar" -> "../bar"
static void simplifyComponents(StringVector* components);
// Useful shortcuts to avoid too much typing.
static const PathUtils::HostType kHostPosix = PathUtils::HOST_POSIX;
static const PathUtils::HostType kHostWin32 = PathUtils::HOST_WIN32;
static const PathUtils::HostType kHostType = PathUtils::HOST_TYPE;
} // namespace base
} // namespace android