blob: 219ddd6a61cc5baa4ff716985e1452ea3517e679 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "qemu/typedefs.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* The Android pipe virtual device expects an implementation of
* pipe services to be provided according to the following interface
typedef struct GoldfishPipeBuffer {
void* data;
size_t size;
} GoldfishPipeBuffer;
/* List of bitflags returned by guest_poll() */
typedef enum {
GOLDFISH_PIPE_POLL_IN = (1 << 0), /* means guest can read */
GOLDFISH_PIPE_POLL_OUT = (1 << 1), /* means guest can write */
GOLDFISH_PIPE_POLL_HUP = (1 << 2), /* means closed by host */
} GoldfishPipePollFlags;
/* List of bitflags used to call goldfish_pipe_signal_wake() and
* guest_wake_on() */
typedef enum {
GOLDFISH_PIPE_WAKE_CLOSED = (1 << 0), /* emulator closed the pipe */
GOLDFISH_PIPE_WAKE_READ = (1 << 1), /* pipe can now be read from */
GOLDFISH_PIPE_WAKE_WRITE = (1 << 2), /* pipe can now be written to */
} GoldfishPipeWakeFlags;
/* List of error values possibly returned by guest_recv() and
* guest_send(). */
typedef enum {
} GoldfishPipeError;
/* Opaque type of the hardware-side view of a pipe connection. This structure
* is implemented by the virtual device and is hidden from the host service
* implementation. */
typedef struct GoldfishHwPipe GoldfishHwPipe;
/* Opaque type of the host-side view of a pipe connection. This structure is
* implemented by the host pipe service implementation, and is hidden from
* the virtual device. */
typedef struct GoldfishHostPipe GoldfishHostPipe;
typedef struct {
// Open a new pipe. |hw_pipe| is a unique pointer value identifying the
// hardware-side view of the pipe, and will be passed to the
// goldfish_pipe_xxx() functions below. This returns a new host-specific
// pipe value that is only used by the virtual device to call other
// callbacks here. There is a one-to-one association between a |hw_pipe|
// and its |host_pipe| value, which can be reset by calling
// goldfish_pipe_reset().
GoldfishHostPipe* (*guest_open)(GoldfishHwPipe *hw_pipe);
// Load the state of a pipe from a stream. |file| is the input stream,
// |hw_pipe| is the hardware-side pipe descriptor. On success, return a new
// internal pipe instance (similar to one returned by guest_open()), and
// sets |*force_close| to 1 to indicate that the pipe must be force-closed
// just after its load/creation (only useful for certain services that can't
// preserve state into streams). Return NULL on faillure.
GoldfishHostPipe* (*guest_load)(QEMUFile *file, GoldfishHwPipe *hw_pipe,
char *force_close);
// Close and free a pipe. |host_pipe| must be the result of a previous
// guest_open() or guest_load() call, or the second parameter to
// goldfish_pipe_reset().
void (*guest_close)(GoldfishHostPipe *host_pipe);
// Save the state of a pipe to a stream. |host_pipe| is the pipe
// instance from guest_open() or guest_load(). and |file| is the
// output stream.
void (*guest_save)(GoldfishHostPipe *host_pipe, QEMUFile *file);
// Poll the state of the pipe associated with |host_pipe|.
// This returns a combination of GoldfishPipePollFlags.
GoldfishPipePollFlags (*guest_poll)(GoldfishHostPipe *host_pipe);
// Called when the guest tries to receive data from the host through
// |host_pipe|. This will try to copy data to the memory ranges
// decribed by the array |buffers| or |num_buffers| items.
// Return number of bytes transferred, or a (negative) GoldfishPipeError
// value otherwise.
int (*guest_recv)(GoldfishHostPipe *host_pipe,
GoldfishPipeBuffer *buffers,
int num_buffers);
// Called when the guest tries to send data to the host through
// |host_pipe|. This will try to copy data from the memory ranges
// decribed by the array |buffers| or |num_buffers| items.
// Return number of bytes transferred, or a (negative) GoldfishPipeError
// value otherwise.
int (*guest_send)(GoldfishHostPipe *host_pipe,
const GoldfishPipeBuffer *buffers,
int num_buffers);
// Called when the guest wants to be waked on specific events.
// identified by the |wake_flags| bitmask. The host should call
// goldfish_pipe_signal_wake() with the appropriate bitmask when
// any of these events occur.
void (*guest_wake_on)(GoldfishHostPipe *host_pipe,
GoldfishPipeWakeFlags wake_flags);
} GoldfishPipeServiceOps;
/* Called by the service implementation to register its callbacks.
* The default implementation doesn't do anything except returning
* an error when |guest_open| or |guest_load| are called. */
extern void goldfish_pipe_set_service_ops(
const GoldfishPipeServiceOps* ops);
/* Implemented by the virtual device, always called from the service in
* a thread that owns the BQL. */
/* Reset the association of |hw_pipe| with a new |host_pipe|
* value. This is called once the guest has written the service name
* to the initial pipe connection, and the host decided of the right
* implementation for it. */
extern void goldfish_pipe_reset(GoldfishHwPipe *hw_pipe,
GoldfishHostPipe *host_pipe);
/* Called by the host to notify the virtual device that it has
* closed its side of the pipe. */
extern void goldfish_pipe_close_from_host(GoldfishHwPipe *hw_pipe);
/* Called by the host to notify that one or more conditions identified
* by |flags| has been met for a given pipe identified by |hw_pipe|. */
extern void goldfish_pipe_signal_wake(GoldfishHwPipe *hw_pipe,
GoldfishPipeWakeFlags flags);
#endif /* _HW_GOLDFISH_PIPE_H */