blob: 7d9ffeff74c5971e58b49bec27040e3b2152b004 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
namespace android {
namespace base {
class Looper;
class AsyncSocketServer {
// Type of a function that is called when a new client connection
// occurs. The parameter is a socket descriptor. Note that stopListening()
// will have been called before the callback. On success, return true
// and pass ownership of the socket to the callback. On failure, return
// false (and the caller will close the socket then call startListening()).
using ConnectCallback = std::function<bool(int)>;
// Destructor.
virtual ~AsyncSocketServer() = default;
// Return the port that this server is bound to. This is useful if
// the |port| parameter of functions like createTcpLoopbackServer()
// was 0, which meant the system found a random free port which can
// be reported by this function.
virtual int port() const = 0;
// Start listening for new connections.
// Note that by default, a new instance doesn't listen for connections.
// Moreover, the server will stop listening before invoking the callback
// on a new connection. User code must call startListening() explicitly
// to allow more connections to proceed.
virtual void startListening() = 0;
// Stop listening for new connections.
virtual void stopListening() = 0;
// Values used to indicate which loopback interfaces to listen to.
// kNone means no listening on any interface.
// kIPv4 means listening on
// kIPv6 means listening on ::1
// kIPv4Optional means that binding to is allowed to fail.
// kIPv6Optional means that binding to ::1 is allowed to fail.
// kIPv4AndIPv6 means that the server should bind to both interfaces
// at the same time.
// kIPv4AndOptionalIPv6 means that the server must bind to and
// is allowed to fail to bind to the corresponding ::1 port.
enum LoopbackMode {
kNone = 0,
kIPv4 = (1 << 0),
kIPv6 = (1 << 1),
kIPv4Optional = (1 << 2),
kIPv6Optional = (1 << 3),
kIPv4AndIPv6 = kIPv4 | kIPv6,
kIPv4AndOptionalIPv6 = kIPv4 | kIPv6 | kIPv6Optional,
// Return the set of interfaces the server is listening on.
// Possible values are kNone, kIPv4, kIPv6 and kIPv4AndIPv6
virtual LoopbackMode getListenMode() const = 0;
// Create a new instance that binds to a TCP loopback |port| and will
// call |connectCallback| when a new host connection occurs. |mode|
// determines on which interfaces to listen to and defaults to
// kIPv4AndIPv6, while |looper| can be used to specify a Looper instance
// (otherwise the thread's current looper will be used).
// Return an empty std::unique_ptr<> on error.
static std::unique_ptr<AsyncSocketServer> createTcpLoopbackServer(
int port,
ConnectCallback connectCallback,
LoopbackMode mode = kIPv4AndIPv6,
Looper* looper = nullptr);
// No default constructor, use one of the static createXXX() method to
// create a new instance.
AsyncSocketServer() = default;
} // namespace base
} // namespace android