blob: e37ff549967dac5b76b4501486182a73ecf45df4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include <android/base/Compiler.h>
#include <android/base/files/Stream.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace android {
namespace base {
// A Looper is an abstraction for an event loop that can wait for either
// I/O events on file descriptors, or timers.
// One can call Looper::create() to create a new instance, create
// Looper::Timer and Looper::FdWatch instances, then call Looper::run()
// to run the loop until there is nothing more to do.
// It's possible to stop a Looper from running by calling
// Looper::forceQuit() from within the event loop.
class Looper {
typedef int64_t Duration;
typedef uint64_t DurationNs;
enum {
kDurationInfinite = INT64_MAX,
// ClockTypes have to mimic the LooperClockType enum from utils/
enum class ClockType {
static const char* clockTypeToString(ClockType clock);
// Create a new generic Looper instance.
static Looper* create();
virtual ~Looper();
// Return the current time as seen by this looper instance in
// milliseconds and nanoseconds.
virtual Duration nowMs(ClockType clockType = ClockType::kHost) = 0;
virtual DurationNs nowNs(ClockType clockType = ClockType::kHost) = 0;
// Run the event loop until forceQuit() is called or there is no
// more registered watchers or timers in the looper.
void run();
// A variant of run() that allows to run the event loop only until
// a fixed deadline has passed. |deadlineMs| is a deadline in
// milliseconds relative to the current clock used by nowMs().
// If can be kDurationInfinite to indicate no deadline.
// Return the reason why the looper stopped:
// 0 -> normal exit through forceQuit()
// EWOULDBLOCK -> no more watchers and timers registered.
// ETIMEOUT -> timeout reached.
virtual int runWithDeadlineMs(Duration deadlineMs) = 0;
// A variant of run() that allows to run the event loop only until
// a certain timeout is milliseconds has passed. Return the reason
// why the looper stopped:
// 0 -> normal exit through forceQuit()
// EWOULDBLOCK -> no more watchers and timers registered.
// ETIMEOUT -> timeout reached.
int runWithTimeoutMs(Duration timeoutMs);
// Call this function from within the event loop to force it to quit
// as soon as possible. runWithDeadlineMS() and runWithTimeoutMs() will
// return 0.
virtual void forceQuit() = 0;
// Interface class for timers implemented by a Looper instance.
// Use createTimer() to create these.
class Timer {
// Type of callback function called when the timer expires.
typedef void (*Callback)(void* opaque, Timer* timer);
virtual ~Timer();
// Get the parent looper object
Looper* parentLooper() const;
// Start, or restart the timer to expire after |timeout_ms|
// milliseconds.
virtual void startRelative(Duration timeout_ms) = 0;
// Start, or restart the timer to expire at |deadline_ms|
// milliseconds.
virtual void startAbsolute(Duration deadline_ms) = 0;
// Stop the timer.
virtual void stop() = 0;
// Returns true iff this timer is active.
virtual bool isActive() const = 0;
// Serialization to/from streams
virtual void save(android::base::Stream* stream) const = 0;
virtual void load(android::base::Stream* stream) = 0;
Timer(Looper* looper, Callback callback, void* opaque,
ClockType clock);
Looper* mLooper;
Callback mCallback;
void* mOpaque;
ClockType mClockType;
// Create a new timer for this Looper instance.
virtual Timer* createTimer(Timer::Callback callback, void* opaque,
ClockType clock = ClockType::kHost) = 0;
// Interface class for I/O event watchers on a given file descriptor
// implemented by this Looper instance.
class FdWatch {
enum {
kEventRead = (1 << 0),
kEventWrite = (1 << 1),
kEventMask = (kEventRead | kEventWrite),
// Type of function called when an I/O event occurs.
// |opaque| is the opaque pointer passed at creation.
// |fd| is the file descriptor.
// |events| is an event bitmask.
typedef void (*Callback)(void* opaque, int fd, unsigned events);
virtual ~FdWatch();
virtual void addEvents(unsigned events) = 0;
virtual void removeEvents(unsigned events) = 0;
inline void wantRead() {
inline void wantWrite() {
inline void dontWantRead() {
inline void dontWantWrite() {
virtual unsigned poll() const = 0;
int fd() const;
FdWatch(Looper* looper, int fd, Callback callback, void* opaque);
Looper* mLooper;
int mFd;
Callback mCallback;
void* mOpaque;
// Create a new FdWatch instance from this looper.
virtual FdWatch* createFdWatch(int fd,
FdWatch::Callback callback,
void* opaque) = 0;
// Default constructor is protected. Use create() method to create
// new generic Looper instances.
} // namespace base
} // namespace android