blob: 0b8bbac271587ed040331d6dd212f426a1494a2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/Compiler.h"
#include "android/base/containers/HashUtils.h"
namespace android {
namespace base {
// A PointerSet<T> models a set referencing heap-allocated objects of type T.
// The objects are not owned by the PointerSet<T>, see ScopedPointerSet<T>
// instead if you want the set to also own the objects.
// Each object is identified by its address which serves as the hashing
// key. This makes the implementation simple, but also ensures that
// iterating over the same-constructed set will not provide the same
// result between two runs of the same program.
// Usage example:
// PointerSet<Foo> setOfFoos; // Creates new empty set.
// setOfFoos.add(foo1); // Add foo1 to the set.
// if (setOfFoos.contains(foo1)) { // Test whether the set contains foo1
// setOfFoos.remove(foo1); // Remove foo1 from set.
// }
// CHECK(setOfFoos.empty());
// CHECK(setOfFoos.size() == 0);
// Iterating over a set:
// PointerSet<Foo>::Iterator iter(&setOfFoos);
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// Foo* foo =;
// .. do something with foo
// }
// Note that the iterator becomes invalid if you add or remove objects
// to/from the set.
class PointerSetBase {
class Iterator {
explicit Iterator(PointerSetBase* set);
~Iterator() {}
inline bool hasNext() const {
return (mPos < mCapacity);
void* next();
// No default constructor
void** mItems;
size_t mCapacity;
size_t mPos;
typedef size_t (*HashFunction)(const void* obj);
struct DefaultTraits {
static size_t hash(const void* obj) {
return ::android::base::internal::pointerHash(obj);
bool empty() const {
return mCount == 0;
size_t size() const {
return mCount;
bool contains(const void* obj, HashFunction hashFunc) const;
void clear();
void* addItem(void* obj, HashFunction hashFunc);
void* removeItem(void* obj, HashFunction hashFunc);
void** toArray() const;
//friend class PointerSetBase::Iterator;
void maybeResize(HashFunction hashFunc);
size_t mShift;
size_t mCount;
void** mItems;
template <typename T,
typename TRAITS = typename ::android::base::PointerSetBase::DefaultTraits>
class PointerSet : public PointerSetBase {
// Default constructor creates an empty set.
PointerSet() : PointerSetBase() {};
// Destructor simply destroys the set, not the objects in it.
~PointerSet() {}
// Return true iff the set is empty.
bool empty() const {
return PointerSetBase::empty();
// Return the number of objects in the set.
size_t size() const {
return PointerSetBase::size();
// Return true iff the set contains object |obj|. Always return false
// if |obj| is NULL.
bool contains(const T* obj) const {
return PointerSetBase::contains(static_cast<const void*>(obj),
// Remove all objects from the set.
void clear() {
// Add object |obj| to the set. Return true if the object was added,
// and false if it was already in the set. Always return false if
// |obj| is NULL.
bool add(T* obj) {
return PointerSetBase::addItem(obj, TRAITS::hash) != NULL;
// Remove object |obj| from the set. Return true if the object was
// already in the set, and false otherwise. Return false if |obj|
// is NULL.
bool remove(T* obj) {
return PointerSetBase::removeItem(obj, TRAITS::hash) != NULL;
// Iterator class for this set. Note that adding or removing items
// in the set makes the iterator invalid. Usage example is:
// PointerSet<Foo>::Iterator iter(&fooSet);
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// Foo* foo =;
// .. do something with |foo|
// }
class Iterator : public PointerSetBase::Iterator {
Iterator(PointerSet* set) : PointerSetBase::Iterator(set) {}
bool hasNext() const {
return PointerSetBase::Iterator::hasNext();
T* next() {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(PointerSetBase::Iterator::next());
// Create a heap-allocated array of size() pointers to the objects
// contained in the set. The array must be free()-ed by the caller.
// Return NULL if the set is empty.
T** toArray() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T**>(PointerSetBase::toArray());
} // namespace base
} // namespace android