blob: f9c700f2900b40395e914a0c93f3c8948f1824db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/Compiler.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace android {
namespace base {
// A SocketWaiter is an abstraction that allows one to wait for i/o
// events on a set of socket file descriptors for a certain amount
// of time. Usage is:
// 1/ Create the waiter instance:
// SocketWaiter* waiter = SocketWaiter::create();
// 2/ Call the update() method to indicate which I/O events you want
// to listen to for a given file descriptor |fd|:
// waiter->update(fd1, SocketWaiter::kEventRead);
// waiter->update(fd2, SocketWaiter::kEventWrite);
// 3/ Call the wait() method to wait for i/o events on the registered
// socket file descriptors.
// int ret = waiter->wait(timeout_ms);
// 4/ After wait() returns, call nextPendingFd() to get the list of
// file descriptors that have pending i/o events, and the corresponding
// event mask. The function returns -1 once you reach past the list:
// for (;;) {
// unsigned events = 0;
// int fd = waiter->nextPendingFd(&events);
// if (fd < 0) {
// break;
// }
// // Handle |events| on socket |fd|.
// }
// 5/ Which file descriptors are being watched is recorded by the waiter
// between several calls to wait(). You can use reset() to clear all
// of them at once, or call update() with 0 as the second parameter to
// indicate you no longer want to listen to events on a given
// descriptor, as in:
// waiter->update(fd2, 0);
class SocketWaiter {
enum Event {
kEventRead = (1U << 0),
kEventWrite = (1U << 1),
// Create new SocketWaiter instance.
static SocketWaiter* create();
// Destroy the instance.
virtual ~SocketWaiter() {}
// Reset the waiter, i.e. equivalent to calling update(fd, 0) on
// all previously registered socket descriptors.
virtual void reset() = 0;
// Return the current wanted event bitmask for a given |fd|.
virtual unsigned wantedEventsFor(int fd) const = 0;
// Return the pending event bitmask for a given |fd|. Only use this
// after calling wait().
virtual unsigned pendingEventsFor(int fd) const = 0;
// Return true iff there are registered socket descriptors.
virtual bool hasFds() const = 0;
// Tell the waiter to look for i/o events on socket descriptor |fd|.
// |events| is a bitmask containing kEventRead, kEventWrite or both.
virtual void update(int fd, unsigned events) = 0;
// Wait at most |timeout_ms| milli-seconds for i/o events to occur
// on registered socket descriptors. If |timeout_ms| is 0, return
// immediately after polling the descriptors. If it is INT64_MAX,
// then wait indefinitely.
// Return the number of descriptors that have i/o events.
// In case of timeout, return 0 and sets errno to ETIMEDOUT.
// In case of error, return -1/errno.
// This function loops around EINTR as a convenience.
virtual int wait(int64_t timeout_ms) = 0;
// Get the next pending socket descriptor and associated i/o event mask.
// Return the next socket descriptor, or -1 when the end of the list
// is reached. On success, sets |*fdEvents| to the corresponding
// event mask.
virtual int nextPendingFd(unsigned* fdEvents) = 0;
SocketWaiter() {}
} // namespace base
} // namespace android