blob: 31d650570b6077d782d3dfafdbca3e1ba5cbf738 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/Compiler.h"
#include "android/base/async/Looper.h"
#include "android/base/threads/internal/ParallelTaskBase.h"
#include "android/base/threads/Types.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
namespace android {
namespace base {
// A ParallelTask<Result> is an object that allows you to run a task in a
// separate thread, and take follow up action back on the current thread's event
// loop. Additionally, the |taskDoneFunction| function is called with a result
// of type |Result| returned from the launched thread.
// An example of a thread returning the typical int exitStatus:
// class LifeUniverseAndEverythingInParallel {
// public:
// LifeUniverseAndEverythingInParallel(Looper* looper) :
// mEarth(looper,
// std::bind(&LifeUniverseAndEverythingInParallel::compute,
// this, std::placeholders::_1),
// std::bind(
// &LifeUniverseAndEverythingInParallel::printAnswer,
// this, std::placeholders::_1) {}
// // This is the entry point of computation.
// bool startOfTime() {
// return mEarth.start();
// }
// // Called by the parallel task.
// void compute(int* outResult) {
// *outResult = 42;
// }
// void printAnswer(const int& outResult) {
// std::cout << "The mice say it's " << outResult << std::endl;
// }
// private:
// ParallelTask<int> mEarth;
// };
// int main() {
// LifeUniverseAndEverythingInParallel whatsTheAnswer;
// whatsTheAnswer.startOfTime();
// android::base::ThreadLooper::get()->runWithDeadline(
// // 10 million years);
// // ... Do other stuff while the mice run inside contraptions ...
// }
// If you just want to run a free function to compute something in parallel
// and then take follow up action using another free function, a templatized
// helper function is provided as well:
// void computeStandalone(int* outResult) {
// *outResult = 42;
// }
// void printAnswer(const int& outResult) {
// std::cout << "The mice say it's " << outResult << std::endl;
// }
// runParallelTask<int>(
// android::base::ThreadLooper::get(),
// &computeStandalone,
// &printAnswer);
template <class ResultType>
class ParallelTask final : public internal::ParallelTaskBase {
using TaskFunction = std::function<void(ResultType*)>;
using TaskDoneFunction = std::function<void(const ResultType&)>;
// Args:
// looper: A running looper for the current thread.
// taskFunction: The function you want to be called on a separate thread
// to perform the task.
// taskDoneFunction: The function you want to be called on the event
// loop in the current thread once the task is completed.
// checkTimeoutMs: The time in milliseconds between consecutive checks
// for thread termination. A bigger value possibly delayes the
// call to |taskDoneFunction|, but leads to fewer checks.
// Default: 1 second.
// flags: See android::base::Thread.
ParallelTask(android::base::Looper* looper,
TaskFunction taskFunction,
TaskDoneFunction taskDoneFunction,
android::base::Looper::Duration checkTimeoutMs = 1 * 1000,
ThreadFlags flags = ThreadFlags::MaskSignals)
: ParallelTaskBase(looper, checkTimeoutMs, flags),
mTaskFunction(taskFunction), mTaskDoneFunction(taskDoneFunction) {}
// Start the thread instance. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
// (e.g. if the thread was already started or terminated).
bool start() { return ParallelTaskBase::start(); }
// Returns true if the task has been |start|'ed, but the call to
// |taskDone| hasn't finished yet.
// This function should be called from the same thread that called |start|.
bool inFlight() const { return ParallelTaskBase::inFlight(); }
void taskImpl() override final { mTaskFunction(&mResultBuffer); }
void taskDoneImpl() override final { mTaskDoneFunction(mResultBuffer); }
ResultType mResultBuffer;
TaskFunction mTaskFunction;
TaskDoneFunction mTaskDoneFunction;
namespace internal {
template <class ResultType>
class SelfDeletingParallelTask {
using TaskFunction = typename ParallelTask<ResultType>::TaskFunction;
using TaskDoneFunction =
typename ParallelTask<ResultType>::TaskDoneFunction;
SelfDeletingParallelTask(android::base::Looper* looper,
TaskFunction taskFunction,
TaskDoneFunction taskDoneFunction,
android::base::Looper::Duration checkTimeoutMs)
: mTaskDoneFunction(taskDoneFunction),
checkTimeoutMs) {}
bool start() { return mParallelTask.start(); };
void taskDoneFunction(const ResultType& result) {
delete this;
TaskDoneFunction mTaskDoneFunction;
ParallelTask<ResultType> mParallelTask;
} // namespace internal
template<class ResultType>
bool runParallelTask(android::base::Looper* looper,
std::function<void(ResultType*)> taskFunction,
std::function<void(const ResultType&)> taskDoneFunction,
android::base::Looper::Duration checkTimeoutMs = 1 * 1000) {
auto flyaway = new internal::SelfDeletingParallelTask<ResultType>(
looper, taskFunction, taskDoneFunction, checkTimeoutMs);
return flyaway->start();
} // namespace base
} // namespace android