blob: 3e6ec098c9e3eb0da8eead2ec6799f2e26da16bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/utils/compiler.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
// CURL library wrapper. This is used to perform the following:
// - Initialization and deinitialization of the library, in a multi-threaded
// context.
// - Download data from a given URL, passing optional POST data to the server.
// It is important to avoid exposing <curl/curl.h> to client code, as this
// requires dragging the CURL-specific compiler flags to the client code
// otherwise.
// Initialize CURL library. |ca_info| is an option SSL Certificate Authority
// bundle. Return true on success, false otherwise. NOTE: not thread-safe.
extern bool curl_init(const char* ca_info);
// De-initialize CURL library. Not thread-safe either.
extern void curl_cleanup();
// Call this function instead of curl_easy_init(), because it will add the
// |ca_info| parameter that was passed to curl_init() to the returned CURL
// instance. Note that this function returns a generic pointer that must be
// cast to CURL* by the caller. This is because we don't want to include
// <curl/curl.h> from this header, since it would drag this dependency
// into any client code that includes it, most of them don't need it.
// (note that this requires client code to use $(LIBCURL_CFLAGS) too to
// properly compile on Windows).
extern void* curl_easy_default_init(char** error);
// A CURL-style write callback. Receives the data downloaded from the URL
// inside a curl_download() call. Must return the number of bytes that were
// actually read from |ptr|. |size| is the size of each item in bytes, and
// |nmemb| is the number of items. |userdata| is a client-provided opaque
// pointer.
typedef size_t (*CurlWriteCallback)(char* ptr,
size_t size,
size_t nmemb,
void* userdata);
// Download a file from a given |url|, passing optional POST fields in
// |post_fields|, which can be NULL if not needed. The data is sent to
// the |callback_func| function, which will receive |callback_userdata| as
// its fourth parameter.
// This function can block forever.
// On failure, return false and sets |*error| to a heap-allocated error message
// string that must be free()-ed by the caller. On success, return true and
// do not touch |*error|.
extern bool curl_download(const char* url,
const char* post_fields,
CurlWriteCallback callback_func,
void* callback_userdata,
char** error);
// A variant of curl_download() that throws the downloaded file to /dev/null.
// This is really used to check that a file is available, or to send a POST
// request if |post_fields| is not NULL. If |allow_404| is true, then an
// HTTP response of 404 (file not found) is allowed, as this is used by the
// Google Tools Toolbar API by design. On faillure, return false and sets
// |*error|. On success, return true.
// This function can block forever.
extern bool curl_download_null(const char* url,
const char* post_fields,
bool allow_404,
char** error);