blob: d956bd49d7ac3f5e2fe3aa87d963d9b6320c4886 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/async/AsyncSocketServer.h"
#include "android/emulation/AdbTypes.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace android {
namespace emulation {
// AdbHostListener implements the AdbHostAgent interface with a concrete
// implementation that uses localhost TCP ports. Its full purpose is
// the following:
// - Bind to a localhost (IPv4 and IPv6) TCP port waiting for connections
// from the ADB Server running on the host.
// - Record guest pipe connections from the 'adbd' daemon running in the
// emulated system, through the addGuest() method.
// - When a new guest connection happens, start listening for TCP connections.
// When one such connection happens, send its socket to the guest connection
// which will handle network traffic on it, until deleteGuest() is called.
// - Notify the ADB Server of new guest connections (i.e. emulator instances
// that appear under 'adb devices'), through the notifyAdbServer()
// method, which can be called either explictly, or automatically every
// time a guest connection is activated by a TCP connection.
// Usage is the following:
// - Create new AdbHostListener instance, passing a valid |adbClientPort|
// parameter to the constructor (e.g. kDefaultAdbClientPort) to ensure
// that it will notify the host ADB server of new guest connections
// properly (the default value of 0 is useful for unit-testing).
// - Call the init() method to setup listening on localhost port |adbPort|,
// this can be un-done with a call to deinit().
// - At runtime, call addGuest() and deleteGuest() to manage guest
// connections.
// NOTE: Everything should happen in the main loop thread.
class AdbHostListener : public AdbHostAgent {
// Constructor takes an option |adbClientPort| parameter specifying
// the client port that the ADB server is listening on for notifications
// or new emulator instances. This will be used to call notifyAdbServer()
// when a guest <-> host connection occurs. A value of 0 means to never
// notify the server. See kDefaultAdbClientPort too.
explicit AdbHostListener(int adbClientPort = 0)
: mAdbClientPort(adbClientPort) {}
// Return the ADB client port used by this listener.
int clientPort() const { return mAdbClientPort; }
// Set the AdbGuestAgent to use at runtime. Its onHostConnection()
// method will be called when the ADB server connects after a call
// to startListening().
void setGuestAgent(AdbGuestAgent* guestAgent) { mGuestAgent = guestAgent; }
// Call this method to initialize bind to TCP localhost
// port |adbEmulatorPort| (both IPv4 and IPv6). A value of 0 will bind
// to any random available port. A value of -1 unbinds the current port,
// if any. Return true on success, false/errno on error.
bool reset(int adbEmulatorPort);
// AdbHostAgent method overrides.
virtual void startListening() override;
virtual void stopListening() override;
virtual void notifyServer() override;
// Return port this host server is currently bound to, or -1 if it is not.
int port() const { return mServer.get() ? mServer->port() : -1; }
// Called from the AsyncSocketServer when a new connection from the
// ADB host server happens. Return true on success, false otherwise.
bool onHostServerConnection(int port);
AdbGuestAgent* mGuestAgent = nullptr;
int mAdbClientPort = -1;
std::unique_ptr<android::base::AsyncSocketServer> mServer;
} // namespace emulation
} // namespace android