blob: 45a80e3f4c430ac165a71b7e0bfd46ff3c14f28c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/sockets/ScopedSocket.h"
#include <memory>
namespace android {
namespace emulation {
// Interfaces used to implement the communication channel between the
// host ADB Server and the guest adbd daemon, provided by the emulator.
// Two objects interact to implement the proxy:
// - The AdbHostAgent listens for connections from the server, and passes
// connection sockets to the AdbGuestAgent when they happen.
// - The AdbGuestAgent handles all guest ADB pipe connections, and tells
// the AdbHostAgent when to accept, or not accept connections, as well as
// when to notify the server that a new guest is waiting for it.
// AdbGuestAgent is an abstract interface to an object that models
// all guest ADB pipe connections.
struct AdbGuestAgent {
// Ensure destructor is virtual.
virtual ~AdbGuestAgent() = default;
// Called when the host ADB server connects. This passes ownership of
// |socket| to the AdbGuestAgent instance. This should only happen after
// startListening() was called on the AdbHostAgent.
virtual void onHostConnection(android::base::ScopedSocket&& socket) = 0;
// AdbHostAgent is an abstract class to the code that actually
// manages the host ADB server port and multiple ADB pipes.
struct AdbHostAgent {
// Ensure destructor is virtual.
virtual ~AdbHostAgent() = default;
// Called to tell the AdbHostAgent to accept one connection from the
// ADB server. When this happens, onHostConnection() will be called,
// and the AdbGuestAgent will have to call startListening() again
// to allow another connection.
virtual void startListening() = 0;
// Tell the AdbHostAgent to stop accepting connections from the ADB server.
// This can happen after startListening() if for some reason the guest
// destroys the current guest connection that's waiting for it.
virtual void stopListening() = 0;
// Tell the ADB server that a new guest is waiting for connections.
// This is important in the case where the ADB Server was restarted and
// the current emulator instance is listening on one a port that is not
// one of the 16 auto-scanned ports starting from 5555.
virtual void notifyServer() = 0;
} // namespace emulation
} // namespace android