blob: 3585698104e7e3f0b44d417dc02b951393bfbb2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/emulation/android_pipe_device.h"
#include "android/emulation/testing/TestVmLock.h"
#include <memory>
namespace android {
// A class used to implement a test version of the Android pipe virtual device,
// in order to test the code in android/emulation/android_pipe.c.
// Usage is:
// 1) Create a new TestAndroidPipeDevice instance.
// 2) For each guest client you want to simulate, create a new
// TestAndroidPipeDevice::Guest instance, then call its connect()
// to try to connect with the corresponding host service. In case
// of success, use its read() and write() methods.
class TestAndroidPipeDevice {
// Default constructor, this registers the device by calling
// android_pipe_set_hw_funcs()
// Destructor, this calls android_pipe_set_hw_funcs() to reset
// android_pipe.c to its previous state.
class Guest {
// Create new Guest instance.
static Guest* create();
// Destructor, closes the connection, if any.
virtual ~Guest() {}
// Try to connect to a named service. |name| can be
// either <service> or <service>:<args>. Returns 0 on
// success, or -errno on failure.
virtual int connect(const char* name) = 0;
// Try to read data from the host service. Return the
// number of bytes transfered. 0 for EOF, and -errno for
// i/o error.
virtual ssize_t read(void* buffer, size_t len) = 0;
// Try to write data to the host service. Return the
// number of bytes transfered. 0 for EOF, and -errno
// for i/o error.
virtual ssize_t write(const void* buffer, size_t len) = 0;
// Force-close the connection from the guest.
virtual void close() = 0;
// Poll the current state of the guest connection.
// Returns a combination of PIPE_POLL_IN and PIPE_POLL_OUT
// flags.
virtual unsigned poll() const = 0;
// Return the AndroidPipe associated with this guest.
virtual void* getPipe() const = 0;
// Private constructor.
Guest() {}
// AndroidPipeHwFuncs callbacks.
static void closeFromHost(void* hwpipe);
static void signalWake(void* hwpipe, unsigned wakes);
static void resetPipe(void* hwpipe, void* internal_pipe);
static const AndroidPipeHwFuncs sHwFuncs;
TestVmLock mVmLock;
const AndroidPipeHwFuncs* mOldHwFuncs;
} // namespace android