blob: 17c2492a2308997c5ebe736b5c83c09234875a02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/filesystems/partition_types.h"
#include <string>
namespace android {
namespace internal {
// Testing the logic of the partition configuration setup code for all
// different cases is complex. This class is an abstract interface used
// to simplify unit-testing. Its methods are called from
// android_partition_configuration_setup() to access the host system.
// The default implementation can be obtained with
// PartitionConfigBackend::get(), though a unit-test would provide its
// own sub-class, and use
// android_partition_configuration_set_backend_for_testing()
// to inject it.
class PartitionConfigBackend {
// Constructor.
PartitionConfigBackend() {}
// Destructor.
virtual ~PartitionConfigBackend() {}
// Retrieve current process-wide instance.
static PartitionConfigBackend* get();
// Change process-wide instance to new one during unit-testing.
// Return previous instance value, to be restored when the test completes.
static PartitionConfigBackend* setForTesting(
PartitionConfigBackend* newBackend);
// Return true iff host |path| exists.
virtual bool pathExists(const char* path) = 0;
// Create an empty file at a given location. If the file already
// exists, it is truncated without warning. Return true on success,
// false/errno on failure.
virtual bool pathEmptyFile(const char* path) = 0;
// Copy host file |sourcePath| into |destPath|. Return true on success,
// false/errno on failure.
virtual bool pathCopyFile(const char* dest, const char* source) = 0;
// Try to lock host file at |path|. Return true on success, false
// on failure.
virtual bool pathLockFile(const char* path) = 0;
// Create an empty temporary file. On success return true and
// sets |*path| to its path. On error return false/errno.
virtual bool pathCreateTempFile(std::string* path) = 0;
// Probe the file at |path| and return the equivalent partition type.
virtual AndroidPartitionType probePartitionFileType(const char* path) = 0;
// Extract the content of a file from a ramdisk.img partition.
// |ramdisk_path| is the image's host file path.
// |file_path| is the file's path within the ramdisk image.
// On success, return true and sets |*out| to the file's content.
virtual bool extractRamdiskFile(const char* ramdisk_path,
const char* file_path,
std::string* out) = 0;
// Parse an 'fstab' file and extract the type of a given partition.
// |fstab| points to the content of the fstab file in memory, |mountPath|
// is the partition's mount point as it appears in the fstab. On success,
// return true and sets |*partitionFormat| to the corresponding partition
// format (e.g. 'ext4'). On failure, return false.
virtual bool parsePartitionFormat(const std::string& fstab,
const char* mountPath,
std::string* partitionFormat) = 0;
// Create an empty partition file on the host.
// |partitionType| is the partition format, |partitionSize| is the
// size of the virtual partition (the actual file can be smaller),
// and |partitionPath| is the host path of the partition file.
// Return true on success, false/errno on failure.
virtual bool makeEmptyPartition(AndroidPartitionType partitionType,
uint64_t partitionSize,
const char* partitionPath) = 0;
// Resize an existing ext4 partition at |partitionPath| to a new
// size in bytes given by |partitionSize|.
virtual void resizeExt4Partition(const char* partitionPath,
uint64_t partitionSize) = 0;
static PartitionConfigBackend* sInstance;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace android