blob: 5053d00a9a47f2baa607d5e737433cad143381fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/gps/KmlParser.h"
#include "android/base/StringParse.h"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using std::string;
// Coordinates can be nested arbitrarily deep within a Placemark, depending
// on the type of object (Point, LineString, Polygon) the Placemark contains
static xmlNode* findCoordinates(xmlNode* current) {
for (; current != nullptr; current = current->next) {
if (!strcmp((const char *) current->name, "coordinates")) {
return current;
xmlNode * children = findCoordinates(current->xmlChildrenNode);
if (children != nullptr) {
return children;
return nullptr;
// Coordinates have the following format:
// <coordinates> -112.265654928602,36.09447672602546,2357
// ...
// -112.2657374587321,36.08646312301303,2357
// </coordinates>
// often entirely contained in a single string, necessitating regex
static bool parseCoordinates(xmlNode* current, GpsFixArray* fixes) {
xmlNode* coordinates_node = findCoordinates(current);
bool result = true;
if (coordinates_node == nullptr ||
coordinates_node->xmlChildrenNode == nullptr ||
coordinates_node->xmlChildrenNode->content == nullptr) {
return false;
const char* coordinates = (const char*)(coordinates_node->xmlChildrenNode->content);
int coordinates_len = strlen(coordinates);
int offset = 0, n = 0;
GpsFix new_fix;
while(3 == android::base::SscanfWithCLocale(
coordinates + offset,
"%f , %f , %f%n",
&n)) {
offset += n;
// Only allow whitespace at the end of the string to remain unconsumed.
for (int i = offset; i < coordinates_len && result; ++i) {
result = isspace(coordinates[i]);
return result;
static bool parseGxTrack(xmlNode* children, GpsFixArray* fixes) {
bool result = true;
for (xmlNode* current = children; result && current != nullptr; current = current->next) {
if (
current->ns &&
current->ns->prefix &&
!strcmp((const char*)current->ns->prefix, "gx") &&
!strcmp((const char *)current->name, "coord")) {
std::string coordinates{(const char*)current->xmlChildrenNode->content};
GpsFix new_fix;
result = (3 == android::base::SscanfWithCLocale(
"%f %f %f",
return result;
static bool parsePlacemark(xmlNode* current, GpsFixArray* fixes) {
string description;
string name;
size_t ind = string::npos;
// not worried about case-sensitivity since .kml files
// are expected to be machine-generated
for (; current != nullptr; current = current->next) {
const bool hasContent =
current->xmlChildrenNode && current->xmlChildrenNode->content;
if (hasContent && !strcmp((const char*)current->name, "description")) {
description = (const char*)current->xmlChildrenNode->content;
} else if (hasContent && !strcmp((const char*)current->name, "name")) {
name = (const char *) current->xmlChildrenNode->content;
} else if (
!strcmp((const char *) current->name, "Point") ||
!strcmp((const char *) current->name, "LineString") ||
!strcmp((const char *) current->name, "Polygon")) {
ind = (ind != string::npos ? ind :fixes->size());
if (!parseCoordinates(current->xmlChildrenNode, fixes)) {
return false;
} else if (
current->ns &&
current->ns->prefix &&
!strcmp((const char*)current->ns->prefix, "gx") &&
!strcmp((const char*)current->name, "Track")) {
ind = (ind != string::npos ? ind :fixes->size());
if (!parseGxTrack(current->xmlChildrenNode, fixes)) {
return false;
if (ind == string::npos || ind >= fixes->size()) {
return false;
// only assign name and description to the first of the
// points to avoid needless repetition
(*fixes)[ind].description = std::move(description);
(*fixes)[ind].name = std::move(name);
return true;
// Placemarks (aka locations) can be nested arbitrarily deep
static bool traverseSubtree(xmlNode* current,
GpsFixArray* fixes,
string* error) {
for (; current; current = current->next) {
if (current->name != nullptr &&
!strcmp((const char *) current->name, "Placemark")) {
if (!parsePlacemark(current->xmlChildrenNode, fixes)) {
*error = "Location found with missing or malformed coordinates";
return false;
} else if (current->name != nullptr &&
strcmp((const char *) current->name, "text")) {
// if it's not a Placemark we must go deeper
if (!traverseSubtree(current->xmlChildrenNode, fixes, error)) {
return false;
return true;
bool KmlParser::parseFile(const char * filePath, GpsFixArray * fixes, string * error) {
// This initializes the library and checks potential ABI mismatches between
// the version it was compiled for and the actual shared library used.
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(filePath, nullptr, 0);
if (doc == nullptr) {
*error = "KML document not parsed successfully.";
return false;
xmlNodePtr cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
if (cur == nullptr) {
*error = "Could not get root element of parsed KML file.";
return false;
bool isWellFormed = traverseSubtree(cur, fixes, error);
return isWellFormed;