blob: 60c338d9a005b963dcf26c99653e729e716b5ff9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/cmdline-option.h"
#include "android/utils/compiler.h"
#include <stdint.h>
// List of values describing how EGL/GLES emulation should work in a given
// Android virtual device.
// kAndroidGlesEmulationOff
// Means there is no GPU emulation, equivalent to "-gpu off" and instructs
// the guest system to use its old GLES 1.x software renderer.
// kAndroidGlesEmulationHost
// Means Host GPU emulation is being used. All EGL/GLES commands are
// sent to the host GPU or CPU through a simple wire protocol. This
// corresponds to "-gpu host" and "-gpu mesa".
// kAndroidGlesEmulationGuest
// Means a guest GLES 2.x library (e.g. SwiftShader) is being used in
// the guest. This should only be used with accelerated emulation, or
// results will be very very slow.
typedef enum {
kAndroidGlesEmulationOff = 0,
} AndroidGlesEmulationMode;
// Return a heap-allocated string containing the kernel parameter.
// |opts| corresponds to the command-line options after they have been
// processed by emulator_parseCommonCommandLineOptions().
// |targetArch| is the target architecture. (e.g. 'arm64')
// |apiLevel| is the AVD's API level.
// |kernelSerialPrefix| is the guest tty device prefix (e.g. 'ttyS')
// |avdKernelParameters| are the optional extra kernel parameters stored
// in the AVD's kernel.parameters hardware property, if any. They will
// be appended to the result.
// |glesMode| is the EGL/GLES emulation mode.
// |glesGuestCmaMB| is the size in megabytes of the contiguous memory
// allocation to be used when |glesMode| is kAndroidGlesEmulationGuest.
// A value of 0 also indicates to ignore this setting.
// |isQemu2| is true to indicate that this is called from QEMU2, otherwise
// QEMU1 is assumed.
char* emulator_getKernelParameters(const AndroidOptions* opts,
const char* targetArch,
int apiLevel,
const char* kernelSerialPrefix,
const char* avdKernelParameters,
AndroidGlesEmulationMode glesMode,
uint64_t glesGuestCmaMB,
bool isQemu2);