blob: b80123d40c68d58e91d1fc1ba6390f1c1f05eaab [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/proxy/ProxyUtils.h"
#include "android/base/Log.h"
#include "android/base/Optional.h"
#include "android/base/network/IpAddress.h"
#include "android/base/testing/TestDnsResolver.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <string>
namespace android {
namespace proxy {
using android::base::IpAddress;
using android::base::Optional;
using android::base::TestDnsResolver;
TEST(ProxyUtils, parseConfigurationString) {
TestDnsResolver resolver;
resolver.addEntry("", "");
static const uint8_t kIpv6Loopback[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
static const struct {
const char* input;
struct {
IpAddress serverAddress;
int serverPort;
Optional<std::string> userName;
Optional<std::string> password;
} expected;
} kData[] = {
{"", {IpAddress(0x7f000001U), 8080, {}, {}}},
{"", {IpAddress(0x7f000001U), 8080, {}, {}}},
{IpAddress(0xc0a80012U), 3128, Optional<std::string>("user"),
{"[::1]:7000", {IpAddress(kIpv6Loopback), 7000, {}, {}}},
{"", IpAddress(0x0a00002a), 3000, {}, {}},
for (const auto& item : kData) {
ParseResult result = parseConfigurationString(item.input);
if (result.mError) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected error [" << *result.mError
<< "] for input [" << item.input << "]";
EXPECT_EQ(item.expected.serverAddress, result.mServerAddress)
<< "For input [" << item.input << "]";
EXPECT_EQ(item.expected.serverPort, result.mServerPort)
<< "For input [" << item.input << "]";
EXPECT_EQ(item.expected.userName, result.mUsername)
<< "For input [" << item.input << "]";
EXPECT_EQ(item.expected.password, result.mPassword)
<< "For input [" << item.input << "]";
TEST(ProxyUtils, parseConfigurationStringWithErrors) {
TestDnsResolver resolver;
static const struct {
const char* input;
const char* expectedError;
} kData[] = {
{"http://", "Empty proxy configuration string"},
{"", "Empty proxy configuration string"},
{nullptr, "Empty proxy configuration string"},
{"", "Bad format: invalid proxy name"},
"Bad format: invalid port number (must be decimal)"},
"Bad format: invalid port number (must be in 0..65535 range)"},
"Bad format: invalid port number (must be in 0..65535 range)"},
{"", "Bad format: missing colon between proxy and port"},
{"http:", "Bad format: invalid proxy name"},
{"::1:8080", "Bad format: invalid proxy name"},
"Bad format: missing colon between username and password"},
"Bad format: missing colon between username and password"},
{"", "Bad format: invalid proxy name"},
{"[::1}:7000", "Bad format: missing closing bracket"},
for (const auto& item : kData) {
ParseResult result = parseConfigurationString(item.input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result.mError) << "For input [" << item.input << "]";
if (!result.mError) {
EXPECT_STREQ(item.expectedError, result.mError->c_str())
<< "For input [" << item.input << "]";
} // namespace proxy
} // namespace android