blob: 3346e694913827f79bda4edab44a4e468897d500 [file] [log] [blame]
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 varying_pos;
varying vec3 varying_normal;
varying vec2 varying_uv;
uniform sampler2D diffuse_map;
uniform sampler2D specular_map;
uniform sampler2D gloss_map;
uniform samplerCube env_map;
const vec3 light_pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
void main() {
// Make sure normal is unit length.
vec3 n = normalize(varying_normal);
// Direction from the point to the light source,
// unit length.
vec3 l = normalize(light_pos - varying_pos);
// Lambertian
float lambert = max(dot(l, n), 0.0);
// Highlight
float specular_value = 0.0;
if (lambert > 0.0) {
// Direction from point towards viewer.
vec3 v = normalize(-varying_pos);
// Halfway between viewer and light vectors,
// used to approximate reflection (optimization).
vec3 h = (normalize(l+v));
// Alpha determines the specular hardness/size of highlight.
float alpha = 255.0 * (texture2D(gloss_map, varying_uv).r);
specular_value = pow(max(dot(h, n), 0.0), alpha);
vec4 refl_color = textureCube(env_map, reflect(varying_pos, n));
vec4 diffuse_color = texture2D(diffuse_map, varying_uv);
float spec_intensity = texture2D(specular_map, varying_uv).r;
// Compute diffuse term.
vec3 diffuse = lambert * ((1.0 - spec_intensity) * diffuse_color.rgb +
spec_intensity * refl_color.rgb);
vec3 specular = vec3(specular_value * spec_intensity);
gl_FragColor = vec4(diffuse + specular, diffuse_color.a);