blob: ff33d361765a29ecabe0633d28a68dec4a601c03 [file] [log] [blame]
attribute vec3 vtx_pos;
attribute vec3 vtx_normal;
attribute vec2 vtx_uv;
varying vec3 varying_pos;
varying vec3 varying_normal;
varying vec2 varying_uv;
uniform mat4 model_view_inverse_transpose;
uniform mat4 model_view;
uniform mat4 model_view_projection;
void main() {
// Blender seems to export UV coordinates in a weird
// way (V is inverted compared to how OpenGL sees it).
// It's easier to fix it here in the shader...
varying_uv = vec2(vtx_uv.x, 1.0 - vtx_uv.y);
vec4 normal = vec4(vtx_normal.x, vtx_normal.y, vtx_normal.z, 0);
// Apply transformation to the normal.
varying_normal = (model_view_inverse_transpose * normal).xyz;
// Apply the modelview transform to the vertex to compute the
// final position.
vec4 pos4 = vec4(vtx_pos.x, vtx_pos.y, vtx_pos.z, 1);
vec4 vpos4 = model_view * pos4;
varying_pos =;
gl_Position = model_view_projection * pos4;