blob: e95dbe85722c2d13b8be0a354eae8d41f2968fe1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <QtCore>
#include <QColor>
#include <QImage>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRect>
#include <QWidget>
#include "android/skin/argb.h"
#include "android/skin/rect.h"
#include "android/skin/surface.h"
#include "android/skin/winsys.h"
#include "android/skin/qt/emulator-qt-window.h"
#include "android/utils/setenv.h"
#define DEBUG 1
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#define D(...) VERBOSE_PRINT(surface,__VA_ARGS__)
#define D(...) ((void)0)
static int next_id = 0;
extern SkinSurface *skin_surface_create(int w, int h, int original_w, int original_h)
auto s = new SkinSurface();
auto window = EmulatorQtWindow::getInstancePtr();
if (window == NULL) return NULL;
if (s != NULL) {
QSemaphore semaphore;
window->createBitmap(s, original_w, original_h, &semaphore);
s->refcount = 1;
s->w = w;
s->h = h;
s->original_w = original_w;
s->original_h = original_h;
s->id = next_id++;
s->window = window;
D("Created surface %d %d w,%d h, original %d, %d", s->id, w, h, original_w, original_h);
else {
D( "not enough memory to allocate new skin surface !" );
return s;
extern SkinSurface *skin_surface_create(int w, int h)
D("skin_surface_create %d, %d", w, h);
return skin_surface_create(w, h, w, h);
static void skin_surface_free(SkinSurface *s)
D("skin_surface_free %d", s->id);
QSemaphore semaphore;
s->window->releaseBitmap(s, &semaphore);
delete s;
extern int skin_surface_height(SkinSurface *s)
D("skin_surface_height %d", s->id);
return s->h;
extern void skin_surface_unrefp(SkinSurface* *psurface)
SkinSurface *surf = *psurface;
if (surf) {
D("skin_surface_unref %d", surf->id);
if (--surf->refcount <= 0)
*psurface = NULL;
extern int skin_surface_width(SkinSurface *s)
D("skin_surface_width %d", s->id);
return s->w;
extern SkinSurface* skin_surface_create_argb32_from(int w, int h, int pitch, uint32_t *pixels)
D("skin_surface_create_argb32_from %d, %d, pitch %d", w, h, pitch);
SkinSurface* s = skin_surface_create(w, h, w, h);
SkinRect rect;
rect.size.h = h;
rect.size.w = w;
rect.pos.x = 0;
rect.pos.y = 0;
skin_surface_upload(s, &rect, pixels, pitch);
return s;
extern SkinSurface* skin_surface_resize(SkinSurface *surface, int w, int h, int original_w, int original_h)
if ( surface == NULL ) {
return skin_surface_create(w, h, original_w, original_h);
} else if ( surface->original_w == original_w && surface->original_h == original_h ) {
surface->w = w;
surface->h = h;
return surface;
} else {
return skin_surface_create(w, h, original_w, original_h);
extern void skin_surface_create_window(SkinSurface* surface,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h) {
D("skin_surface_create_window %d, %d, %d, %d", x, y, w, h);
QSemaphore semaphore;
EmulatorQtWindow *window = EmulatorQtWindow::getInstance();
if (window == NULL) return;
QRect rect(x, y, w, h);
window->showWindow(surface, &rect, &semaphore);
D("ID of backing bitmap surface is %d", surface->id);
extern void skin_surface_update(SkinSurface *surface, SkinRect *rect)
#if 0
D("skin_surface_update %d: %d,%d,%d,%d", surface->id, rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, rect->size.w, rect->size.h);
QRect qrect(rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, rect->size.w, rect->size.h);
QSemaphore semaphore;
surface->window->requestUpdate(&qrect, &semaphore);
extern void skin_surface_blit(SkinSurface *dst, SkinPos *pos, SkinSurface *src, SkinRect *rect, SkinBlitOp op)
#if 0
D("skin_surface_blit from %d (%d, %d) to %d: %d,%d,%d,%d", src->id, rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, dst->id, rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, rect->size.w, rect->size.h);
QRect qrect(rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, rect->size.w, rect->size.h);
QPoint qpos(pos->x, pos->y);
QPainter::CompositionMode qop;
switch(op) {
qop = QPainter::CompositionMode_Source;
qop = QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver;
QSemaphore semaphore;
dst->window->blit(src->bitmap, &qrect, dst->bitmap, &qpos, &qop, &semaphore);
extern void skin_surface_fill(SkinSurface *dst, SkinRect *rect, uint32_t argb_premul)
D("skin_surface_fill %d: %d, %d, %d, %d: %x", dst->id, rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, rect->size.w, rect->size.h, argb_premul);
QRect qrect(rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, rect->size.w, rect->size.h);
QColor color(argb_premul);
QSemaphore semaphore;
dst->window->fill(dst, &qrect, &color, &semaphore);
extern void skin_surface_upload(SkinSurface *surface, SkinRect *rect, const void *pixels, int pitch)
#if 0
D("skin_surface_upload %d: %d,%d,%d,%d", surface->id, rect->pos.x, rect->pos.y, rect->size.w, rect->size.h);
uint32_t *src = ((uint32_t*)pixels);
uint32_t *dst = ((uint32_t*)surface->bitmap->bits()) + surface->w * rect->pos.y;
int num = 0;
for (int y = rect->pos.y; y < rect->pos.y + rect->size.h; y++) {
for (int x = rect->pos.x; x < rect->pos.x + rect->size.w; x++) {
*(dst + x) = *(src + x -rect->pos.x);
src += pitch / sizeof(uint32_t);
dst += surface->w;
extern void skin_surface_get_scaled_rect(SkinSurface *surface, const SkinRect *from, SkinRect *to)
int fromx = from->pos.x;
int fromy = from->pos.y;
int fromw = from->size.w;
int fromh = from->size.h;
int w = surface->w;
int h = surface->h;
int original_w = surface->original_w;
int original_h = surface->original_h;
to->pos.x = from->pos.x * w / original_w;
to->pos.y = from->pos.y * h / original_h;
to->size.w = from->size.w * w / original_w;
to->size.h = from->size.h * h / original_h;
D("skin_surface_get_scaled_rect %d: %d, %d, %d, %d => %d, %d, %d, %d", surface->id, fromx, fromy, fromw, fromh, to->pos.x, to->pos.y, to->size.w, to->size.h);
extern void skin_surface_reverse_map(SkinSurface *surface, int *x, int *y)
int new_x = *x * surface->original_w / surface->w;
int new_y = *y * surface->original_h / surface->h;
#if 0
D("skin_surface_reverse_map %d: %d,%d to %d,%d", surface->id, *x, *y, new_x, new_y);
*x = new_x;
*y = new_y;