blob: 0c17dfe77e7e11859f0b66e6bc25b8b0fa1d3f23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "gles/buffer_data.h"
#include "gles/framebuffer_data.h"
#include "gles/program_data.h"
#include "gles/renderbuffer_data.h"
#include "gles/shader_data.h"
#include "gles/texture_data.h"
#include "android/base/synchronization/Lock.h"
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
class GlesContext;
class NamespaceImpl;
// The ShareGroup manages the names and objects associated with a GLES context.
// Instances of this class can be shared between multiple contexts.
// (Specifically, when a context is created, a shared context can also be
// set, in which case both contexts will "share" this share group.) All
// operations on this class are serialized through a lock so it is thread safe.
// Though most of the functions (ex. GenName) can operate on any object type,
// only a specific subset of the functionality is made public by explicitly
// providing functions for a given type (ex. GenBufferName). This is to
// allow us to catch problematic usage at compile time rather than asserting
// at runtime.
class ShareGroup : public android::RefBase {
explicit ShareGroup(GlesContext* context);
// Generates a new object global and local name and returns its local name
// value.
void GenBuffers(int n, ObjectLocalName* names) {
return GenNames(BUFFER, n, names);
void GenFramebuffers(int n, ObjectLocalName* names) {
return GenNames(FRAMEBUFFER, n, names);
void GenRenderbuffers(int n, ObjectLocalName* names) {
return GenNames(RENDERBUFFER, n, names);
void GenTextures(int n, ObjectLocalName* names) {
return GenNames(TEXTURE, n, names);
void GenPrograms(int n, ObjectLocalName* names) {
return GenNames(PROGRAM, n, names);
void GenVertexShaders(int n, ObjectLocalName* names) {
return GenNames(VERTEX_SHADER, n, names);
void GenFragmentShaders(int n, ObjectLocalName* names) {
return GenNames(FRAGMENT_SHADER, n, names);
// Create an object of the specified type with the given local name.
BufferDataPtr CreateBufferData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<BufferData>(BUFFER, name, true);
FramebufferDataPtr CreateFramebufferData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<FramebufferData>(FRAMEBUFFER, name, true);
RenderbufferDataPtr CreateRenderbufferData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<RenderbufferData>(RENDERBUFFER, name, true);
TextureDataPtr CreateTextureData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<TextureData>(TEXTURE, name, true);
ProgramDataPtr CreateProgramData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<ProgramData>(PROGRAM, name, true);
ShaderDataPtr CreateVertexShaderData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<ShaderData>(VERTEX_SHADER, name, true);
ShaderDataPtr CreateFragmentShaderData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<ShaderData>(FRAGMENT_SHADER, name, true);
// Retrieve the object of the specified type with the given local name.
BufferDataPtr GetBufferData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<BufferData>(BUFFER, name, false);
FramebufferDataPtr GetFramebufferData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<FramebufferData>(FRAMEBUFFER, name, false);
RenderbufferDataPtr GetRenderbufferData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<RenderbufferData>(RENDERBUFFER, name, false);
TextureDataPtr GetTextureData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<TextureData>(TEXTURE, name, false);
ProgramDataPtr GetProgramData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<ProgramData>(PROGRAM, name, false);
ShaderDataPtr GetShaderData(ObjectLocalName name) {
return GetObjectAs<ShaderData>(SHADER, name, false);
// Deletes the object of the specified type as well as unregistering its
// names from the ShareGroup.
void DeleteBuffers(int n, const ObjectLocalName* names) {
DeleteObjects(BUFFER, n, names);
void DeleteFramebuffers(int n, const ObjectLocalName* names) {
DeleteObjects(FRAMEBUFFER, n, names);
void DeleteRenderbuffers(int n, const ObjectLocalName* names) {
DeleteObjects(RENDERBUFFER, n, names);
void DeleteTextures(int n, const ObjectLocalName* names) {
DeleteObjects(TEXTURE, n, names);
void DeletePrograms(int n, const ObjectLocalName* names) {
// TODO( Keep program name active until the program
// is actually unused, even if it was marked as deleted.
DeleteObjects(PROGRAM, n, names);
void DeleteShaders(int n, const ObjectLocalName* names) {
DeleteObjects(SHADER, n, names);
// Retrieves the "global" name of an object or 0 if the object does not exist.
ObjectGlobalName GetBufferGlobalName(ObjectLocalName local_name) {
return GetGlobalName(BUFFER, local_name);
ObjectGlobalName GetFramebufferGlobalName(ObjectLocalName local_name) {
return GetGlobalName(FRAMEBUFFER, local_name);
ObjectGlobalName GetRenderbufferGlobalName(ObjectLocalName local_name) {
return GetGlobalName(RENDERBUFFER, local_name);
ObjectGlobalName GetTextureGlobalName(ObjectLocalName local_name) {
return GetGlobalName(TEXTURE, local_name);
// Maps an object to the specified global named object. (Note: useful when
// creating EGLImage siblings).
void SetTextureGlobalName(ObjectLocalName local_name,
ObjectGlobalName global_name) {
SetGlobalName(TEXTURE, local_name, global_name);
virtual ~ShareGroup();
typedef std::pair<ObjectType, ObjectLocalName> ObjectID;
typedef std::map<ObjectID, ObjectDataPtr> ObjectDataMap;
ObjectDataPtr GetObject(ObjectType type, ObjectLocalName name,
bool create_if_needed);
template <typename T>
android::sp<T> GetObjectAs(ObjectType type, ObjectLocalName name,
bool create_if_needed) {
return static_cast<T*>(GetObject(type, name, create_if_needed).get());
void DeleteObjects(ObjectType type, int n, const ObjectLocalName* names);
void GenNames(ObjectType type, int n, ObjectLocalName* names);
ObjectGlobalName GetGlobalName(ObjectType type, ObjectLocalName local_name);
void SetGlobalName(ObjectType type, ObjectLocalName local_name,
ObjectGlobalName global_name);
ObjectType ValidateType(ObjectType type) const;
ObjectID GetObjectID(ObjectType type, ObjectLocalName name) const;
NamespaceImpl* GetNamespace(ObjectType type);
android::base::Lock lock_;
NamespaceImpl* namespace_[NUM_OBJECT_TYPES];
ObjectDataMap objects_;
GlesContext* context_;
ShareGroup(const ShareGroup&);
ShareGroup& operator=(const ShareGroup&);
typedef android::sp<ShareGroup> ShareGroupPtr;