blob: c0a3bb2a911a129f828087c3eb02159f51260934 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2006-2016 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/android.h"
#include "android/crashreport/crash-handler.h"
#include "android/globals.h"
#include "android/hw-kmsg.h"
#include "android/main-common-ui.h"
#include "android/main-common.h"
#include "android/main-kernel-parameters.h"
#include "android/main-qemu-parameters.h"
#include "android/process_setup.h"
#include "android/skin/winsys.h"
#include "android/utils/aconfig-file.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/utils/filelock.h"
#include "android/utils/lineinput.h"
#include "android-qemu1-glue/emulation/serial_line.h"
#include "android-qemu1-glue/qemu-control-impl.h"
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include "android-qemu1-glue/skin_qt.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#define D(...) do { if (VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) dprint(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
int qemu_main(int argc, char **argv);
void enter_qemu_main_loop(int argc, char **argv) {
#ifndef _WIN32
sigset_t set;
pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, NULL);
D("Starting QEMU main loop");
qemu_main(argc, argv);
D("Done with QEMU main loop");
#if defined(_WIN32)
// On Windows, link against qtmain.lib which provides a WinMain()
// implementation, that later calls qMain().
#define main qt_main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char* args[128];
AndroidHwConfig* hw = android_hw;
AvdInfo* avd;
int exitStatus = 1;
AndroidOptions opts[1] = {};
process_early_setup(argc, argv);
const char* argv0 = argv[0];
static const char kTargetArch[] =
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
#elif defined(TARGET_I386)
#elif defined(TARGET_X86_64)
#elif defined(TARGET_MIPS)
#elif defined(TARGET_MIPS64)
#error "Unknown target CPU architecture"
if (!emulator_parseCommonCommandLineOptions(&argc,
false, // is_qemu2
&exitStatus)) {
// Special case for QEMU positional parameters.
// Copy all QEMU options to |args|, and set |n| to the number
// of options in |args| (|argc| must be positive here).
int n;
for (n = 1; n <= argc; ++n) {
args[n] = argv[n - 1];
// Skip the translation of command-line options and jump
// straight to qemu_main().
enter_qemu_main_loop(n, args);
return 0;
// Normal exit.
return exitStatus;
// we know it's qemu1, and don't care what user wanted to trick us into
opts->ranchu = 0;
avd = android_avdInfo;
if (!emulator_parseUiCommandLineOptions(opts, avd, hw)) {
return 1;
// Overide default null SerialLine implementation
// before android_kmsg_init()
if (opts->show_kernel) {
// Ensure kernel messages are printed to stdout.
const char* serialPrefix = androidHwConfig_getKernelSerialPrefix(hw);
AndroidGlesEmulationMode glesMode = kAndroidGlesEmulationOff;
if (!strcmp(android_hw->hw_gpu_mode, "guest")) {
glesMode = kAndroidGlesEmulationGuest;
} else if (android_hw->hw_gpu_enabled) {
glesMode = kAndroidGlesEmulationHost;
int apiLevel = avdInfo_getApiLevel(avd);
char* kernelParameters = emulator_getKernelParameters(
opts, kTargetArch, apiLevel, serialPrefix, hw->kernel_parameters,
glesMode, 0ULL, false);
if (hw->hw_cpu_ncore > 1) {
// Avoid printing this warning all the time because the default
// value for this hardware property is now 2, meaning that any
// new AVD created by the user will trigger this condition, even
// though they didn't specifically ask for it. As a rule of thumb,
// it's always better to print a warning when it corresponds to
// a user-selectable condition, not a default.
if (VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) {
dwarning("Classic qemu does not support SMP. "
"The hw.cpu.ncore option from your config file is ignored.");
/* Generate a hardware-qemu.ini for this AVD. The real hardware
* configuration is ususally stored in several files, e.g. the AVD's
* config.ini plus the skin-specific hardware.ini.
* The new file will group all definitions and will be used to
* launch the core with the -android-hw <file> option.
const char* coreHwIniPath = avdInfo_getCoreHwIniPath(avd);
CIniFile* hwIni = iniFile_newEmpty(NULL);
androidHwConfig_write(hw, hwIni);
if (filelock_create(coreHwIniPath) == NULL) {
// The AVD is already in use
derror("There's another emulator instance running with "
"the current AVD '%s'. Exiting...\n", avdInfo_getName(avd));
return 1;
/* While saving HW config, ignore valueless entries. This will not break
* anything, but will significantly simplify comparing the current HW
* config with the one that has been associated with a snapshot (in case
* VM starts from a snapshot for this instance of emulator). */
if (iniFile_saveToFileClean(hwIni, coreHwIniPath) < 0) {
derror("Could not write hardware.ini to %s: %s", coreHwIniPath, strerror(errno));
return 2;
crashhandler_copy_attachment(CRASH_AVD_HARDWARE_INFO, coreHwIniPath);
/* In verbose mode, dump the file's content */
if (VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) {
FILE* file = fopen(coreHwIniPath, "rt");
if (file == NULL) {
derror("Could not open hardware configuration file: %s\n",
} else {
LineInput* input = lineInput_newFromStdFile(file);
const char* line;
printf("Content of hardware configuration file:\n");
while ((line = lineInput_getLine(input)) != NULL) {
printf(" %s\n", line);
// NOTE: |argc| and |argv| have been adjusted by the
// emulator_parseCommonCommandLineOptions() function and now
// corresponds to the parameters following -qemu, if any.
QemuParameters* qemuParams = qemu_parameters_create(
argv0, argc, (const char* const*)argv, opts, avd, kernelParameters,
coreHwIniPath, false, // is_qemu2
if (!qemuParams) {
return 1;
static UiEmuAgent uiEmuAgent;
uiEmuAgent.battery = gQAndroidBatteryAgent;
uiEmuAgent.cellular = gQAndroidCellularAgent;
uiEmuAgent.finger = gQAndroidFingerAgent;
uiEmuAgent.location = gQAndroidLocationAgent;
uiEmuAgent.sensors = gQAndroidSensorsAgent;
uiEmuAgent.telephony = gQAndroidTelephonyAgent;
uiEmuAgent.userEvents = gQAndroidUserEventAgent;
uiEmuAgent.window = gQAndroidEmulatorWindowAgent;
// for now there's no uses of SettingsAgent, so we don't set it
uiEmuAgent.settings = NULL;
/* Setup SDL UI just before calling the code */
#ifdef __linux__
sigset_t set;
pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, NULL);
skin_winsys_init_args(argc, argv);
if (!emulator_initUserInterface(opts, &uiEmuAgent)) {
return 1;
// This is a workaround for
// Qemu1 QT GUI on OSX crashes on exit when QT releases NSWindow.
// Qemu2 builds do not show this crash behavior.
// Workaround leaks the EmulatorQtWindow instance, which was the undesired
// behavior prior to
// Root cause has not been identified
#ifdef __APPLE__
skin_winsys_spawn_thread(opts->no_window, enter_qemu_main_loop,
return 0;