blob: 4f0b7255bbd1098b5f36b0fe88ad983fba76f35d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/containers/SmallVector.h"
#include "android/base/EnumFlags.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace emugl {
// Turn the RenderChannel::Event enum into flags.
using namespace ::android::base::EnumFlags;
// RenderChannel - an interface for a single guest to host renderer connection.
// It allows the guest to send GPU emulation protocol-serialized messages to an
// asynchronous renderer, read the responses and subscribe for state updates.
class RenderChannel {
// A type used to pass byte packets between the guest and the
// RenderChannel instance. Experience has shown that using a
// SmallFixedVector<char, N> instance instead of a std::vector<char>
// avoids a lot of un-necessary heap allocations. The current size
// of 512 was selected after profiling existing traffic, including
// the one used in protocol-heavy benchmark like Antutu3D.
using Buffer = android::base::SmallFixedVector<char, 512>;
// Flags for the channel state.
enum class State {
// Can't use None here, some system header declares it as a macro.
Empty = 0,
CanRead = 1 << 0,
CanWrite = 1 << 1,
Stopped = 1 << 2,
// Possible points of origin for an event in EventCallback.
enum class EventSource {
// Types of read() the channel supports.
enum class CallType {
Blocking, // if the call can't do what it needs, block until it can
Nonblocking, // immidiately return if the call can't do the job
// Sets a single (!) callback that is called if some event happends that
// changes the channel state - e.g. when it's stopped, or it gets some data
// the client can read after being empty, or it isn't full anymore and the
// client may write again without blocking.
// If the state isn't State::Empty, the |callback| is called for the first
// time during the setEventCallback() to report this initial state.
using EventCallback = std::function<void(State, EventSource)>;
virtual void setEventCallback(EventCallback callback) = 0;
// Writes the data in |buffer| into the channel. |buffer| is moved from.
// Blocks if there's no room in the channel (shouldn't really happen).
// Returns false if the channel is stopped.
virtual bool write(Buffer&& buffer) = 0;
// Reads a chunk of data from the channel. Returns false if there was no
// data for a non-blocking call or if the channel is stopped.
virtual bool read(Buffer* buffer, CallType callType) = 0;
// Get the current state flags.
virtual State currentState() const = 0;
// Abort all pending operations. Any following operation is a noop.
virtual void stop() = 0;
// Check if the channel is stopped.
virtual bool isStopped() const = 0;
~RenderChannel() = default;
using RenderChannelPtr = std::shared_ptr<RenderChannel>;
} // namespace emugl