blob: 8f7e8182a1b3c83a9b1da85ae2221d6742b65c1a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
use Getopt::Long;
# Default to the system objdump if a cross-compiler edition not given.
my $aobjdump = "objdump";
my $hobjdump = "";
my $tobjdump = "";
my $hmachine = "";
my $tmachine = "";
GetOptions ('O|objdump=s' => \$aobjdump,
'host-objdump=s' => \$hobjdump,
'target-objdump=s' => \$tobjdump,
'h|host-machine=s' => \$hmachine,
't|target-machine=s' => \$tmachine);
# But we can't default the machines. Sanity check that we've at least one.
die "No host or target machine type" if !$hmachine && !$tmachine;
# Reuse one temp file for all of the hunks.
my ($outh, $outname) = tempfile();
END { unlink $outname; }
# Pre-construct the command-lines for executing the dump.
sub mkobjcommand ($$) {
my ($cmd, $mach) = @_;
return 0 if !$mach;
$cmd = $aobjdump if !$cmd;
return "$cmd -m $mach --disassemble-all -b binary";
$objdump[1] = mkobjcommand($hobjdump, $hmachine);
$objdump[2] = mkobjcommand($tobjdump, $tmachine);
# Zero-initialize current dumping state.
my $mem = "";
my $inobjd = 0;
my $vma = 0;
sub objcommand {
my $ret = $objdump[$inobjd];
if (!$ret) {
die "Host machine type not specified" if $inobjd == 1;
die "Target machine type not specified" if $inobjd == 2;
die "Internal error";
return $ret;
while (<>) {
# Collect the data from the relevant OBJD-* lines ...
if (/^OBJD-H: /) {
die "Internal error" if $inobjd == 2;
$mem = $mem . pack("H*", substr($_, 8, -1));
$inobjd = 1;
} elsif (/^OBJD-T: /) {
die "Internal error" if $inobjd == 1;
$mem = $mem . pack("H*", substr($_, 8, -1));
$inobjd = 2;
# ... which will always be followed by a blank line,
# at which point we should produce our dump.
elsif ($inobjd) {
# Rewrite the temp file in one go; it will usually be small.
sysseek $outh, 0, 0;
truncate $outh, 0;
syswrite $outh, $mem;
my $cmd = objcommand();
$cmd = $cmd . " --adjust-vma=" . $vma if $vma;
$cmd = $cmd . " " . $outname;
# Pipe from objdump...
open IN, "-|", $cmd;
# ... copying all but the first 7 lines of boilerplate to our stdout.
my $i = 0;
while (<IN>) {
print if (++$i > 7);
close IN;
print "\n";
$mem = "";
$inobjd = 0;
$vma = 0;
# The line before "OBJD-*" will be of the form "0x<hex>+: +\n".
# Extract the value for passing to --adjust-vma.
elsif (/^(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+):\s*$/) {
$vma = $1;
} else {